19| 𝐑𝐮𝐝𝐫𝐚

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Rudransh POV:

I am sitting in the living room with Adi beside me and Fluffy crying on my shoulder. How did I let her go? Again?

The first time I let her go, I waited for 250 years, and now I did the same mistake again. How many more years should I wait?

I don't want those days back where I woke up with a heartache and her being my first thought every morning. There are poetries about sleeping with a shattered heart, but why doesn't anybody talk about how painful it is to wake up with one?

Maybe, just maybe, if I forget that we ever happened, then I won't miss her, right? Like if I forget the feeling of being caressed and the way my fingers being interlocked with hers, maybe I can forget the way it feels lying down on her lap hearing "I love you" all the time.

I can even forget knowing that two brown eyes could mean the entire world and home in itself.

There's nothing more painful than the feeling of missing her; the world feels heavier than before.

Fluffy asked, still crying, "Dad, will Mumma ever come back?" What should I answer him when even I am uncertain about the answer? Will she come back to me? I sighed, patting him.

Adi said, "Deva, I see the pain etched in every line of your face, the ache in your eyes that mirrors the void in your soul. But listen to me, Love... love isn't just some fleeting emotion that comes and goes."

"It's the very essence of our existence, the driving force behind every heartbeat, every breath we take, isn't it? I know it feels like you're drowning in sorrow right now, like the weight of her absence is suffocating you."

"But love doesn't die, and you know it better than anyone else. When the pain becomes too much to bear, when the loneliness threatens to overwhelm you, just know that I'm here. I have always been your anchor in the storm, didn't I? Trust in her, Deva. She will find her way back to you, to us." I just gave him a weak nod.

Air said, 'King, I see some thousand of witches coming in the direction of the palace.'

My eyes widened as I shouted, "Adi, send all the workers to the safe house now!"

Fluffy asked, "Dad, what is happening?" I said, "He is coming, Aarush."

Adi asked, "Who?" I shouted, "VIKRANTH!"

Adi said, "Ask how far they are?"

Air said 'King, It will take a day for them to reach the palace.' I sighed, falling onto the chair.

We don't have an army who can fight with witches because they use dirty tricks and cast spells which normal humans cannot handle. We are only three. How many of them can we handle?

Adi shook me, saying, "Deva, please calm down." I retorted, "I am trying, goddammit! But reality check, bhai, we are going to be in a war in less than 24 hours without any army, without any weapons. Just the three of us. How do you think I can calm the fuck down?"

I let out all my frustration, saying, "And Isha is not even here." Adi just nodded, thinking of something.

In the dim light, with shadows dancing around, I felt the heaviness of what's to come. I couldn't shake the feeling of missing her, I miss her.

I miss her each minute, each second and with every breathe, with every beat of my heart. I miss her and I'm dying to listen to her voice, I'm dying to look into her eyes and feel the peace I've always found in them, I'm dying to have her in my arms and forget all the worries in my head, I'm just dying to tell her how terribly I missed her once she come back home.

The weight of impending conflict hung heavy in the air as we gathered in the war room, the gravity of our situation palpable with every passing moment. Adi paced back and forth, his brow furrowed in deep concentration as he mulled over our options.

"Devaa, Fluffy," he began, his voice steady despite the uncertainty that clouded our minds, "We are facing an enemy unlike any we've encountered before. But we cannot allow fear to paralyze us. We must stand united, and we must fight."

I nodded, but the knot of worry in my stomach refused to loosen its grip. We were only three against thousands of witches, each one armed with dark magic and a thirst for blood.

The odds were stacked against us, and the thought of leading my people into battle filled me with a sense of dread unlike anything I had ever known.

Fluffy nodded eagerly, saying "We can do this, Dad. We've faced challenges before, and we've always come out on top. This will be no different."

Adi's expression softened, he said "I won't pretend that this will be easy, Devaa," he admitted, his tone somber. "But we have a plan. We'll use my strength to our advantage, striking swiftly and decisively before the witches know what's hit them."

"And what about our defenses?" I asked.

Adi smiled, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Ah, that's where you come in, Deva," he replied. "We'll need you to distract them with your nature powers. Fluffy and I will handle the tactical side of things, ensuring that most of their people to be dead."

"We can do this," I said, more to myself than anyone else.

Fluffy clapped me on the back, a grin spreading across his face as he said, "With you leading the charge, how can we possibly fail dad?"

I nodded, saying "We'll fight with everything we have."

Even though we had a plan, a shadow of doubt lingered in my mind. Can we take them down?

I truly want to defeat that Vikranth very badly but now considering the situation can I do that? As I was still thinking about what to do, Fluffy tapped on my back.

I shrugged him off, saying, "I need to think of something, leave me alone, Aarush."

He kept tapping my back continuously, and I was annoyed, so I turned back shouting "What the hell Aarush-" he didn't even hear what I was telling, he kept looking at the opposite side of the room with his eyes widened.

It is still morning, did they already come here? I looked where he was looking, and my eyes widened in shock.


Oh my god, Isha! Is that really Isha, I rubbed my eyes and looked again, oh man my rabbit is back!! She is back. As soon as she saw me, she ran into my arms, and I caught her, hugging her so tightly, scared that if I let her go again, she will disappear. I could hear her crying.

I pulled back and cupped her cheek, asking, "What is wrong, Rabbit?" She said, "It was so heartbreaking to not see you for the whole year, Ansh. I missed you so much."

A year? It's been a day since she disappeared, right? She hugged me tight, still crying. I better not ask her anything now. I am just glad she is back in my arms again. I felt lost since the moment she left. Now that she is back, everything is back to its place. After all, she is my home.


I know this chap is short, but I'm really having some personal problems which require lot of my time... So The next update will be little late, but I will give it with regular length.

Hope you all will understand>

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