No longer human

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Hope you like this is my fist fanfic and I'm really hoping people read it so here you go thanks if reading 🍕🍕
Stilies's PoV
So I was going to home from Scott's house . We were searching some stuff up for a history project booorrrriinnnggg !!!! My jeep didn't start so I was just gonna walk home .
" You sure you wanna walk I mean you never no what's gonna happen " Scott said frowning looking out for me as usual . I mean I know he means well and all but I feel so useless and defenceless . So I just rolled my eyes .
" Yes I'm ok nothing will happen " I said sighing .
" Sorry I just worry about you going in the woods at night alone " Scott said . I knew it he thinks I am defenceless . It's only 10 a clock so what !?
" What you think I can't look after myself ? " I said really getting tired of being the 'human' in the pack .
" What !? No I just - "
" No don't finish that sentence ! I know I am the human " I said doing quotation marks with my hands . " But that doesn't mean I'm completely vulnerable !! " I Said getting angry but not really at Scott .
" I was just trying to help !! " Scott said and I could tell he was a little angry . I sighed .
" I know and I'm sorry it's just I'm sick of being the human that can't do any thing and is useless " I said looking to the ground . I turned around and started walking but Scott stopped me .
" Hay don't say that you've saved every body's lives multiple of times including me " Scott smiled sympathetically. It is true I do help but it's not like any one notices or cares . I barley get any thanks or gratitude . The only time I do is now really .
" Uh huh look I need to go see ya bro " I waved and started walking .
" um ok see ya be careful " Scott yelled
" Yeah yeah I know "
*middle of woods*
I'll never be a hero never . I'm Robin the side kick that nobody notices . But why !? Why ? Why ? Why ? I do all I can do yet it's not good anothe .
" Wish I could have strength and power I said just when someone tackled me to the ground .
" HAY GET OF ME !!! " I yelled at the top of my lungs . WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY !?!?!?
" Consider your wish granted " the guy grinned devishlly . I got a look at his face but only for a second before he sunk his what must have been fangs in my neck . It went dark yet I was in agonising pain . Before I went out I could have sworn I saw red eyes BRIGHT red eyes much more bright than Scott's or any other werewolf he's ever seen .
Some thing big is about to happen I know but I'm not sure if it is going to be good or bad
*5 hours later*
I woke up in the middle of the forest .
" What ? " I said . But then it hit me I remember everything being at Scott's house getting tackled by that man . WAIT !? I start to feel my neck and it feel some sticky substance. I look at my hand and its blood . Great wait what's gonna happen that didn't seem like a werewolf at all . I feel my neck again and I feel a bite scab I think . Oh no . I walk home quickly as I realised what time it is .
I crept in my house trying my best not to make noise but yeah I failed .
" WERE HAVE YOU BEEN !?!? " it was my dad . I quickly hide my neck with my collar .
" Well I um I - "
" WHAT HAPPENED !?!? " my dad said but his face softened a bit now it was less anger and more concern and worry .
" You look terrible ! Your a mess oh I don't have time for this I was just given a call from the station I need to go clean your self up and go to bed don't go to school today I don't think you would manage. You need rest . " He sighed and left . I ran upstairs into my bathroom to see what my neck looked like . It's terrible you can see two fang marks and blood coming from it . I quickly got a bandage and put it on my neck . After I was done I went to my computer and started reaserching . 'Vampire' the word kept popping into his head . But I've never actually hear any one talk about them before . Here it was just werewolf's . Can I really be one of those things ? I started searching them up and I did for a wile before I knew it it was lunch and I got a text from Scott :
Scott -' Hay why aren't you in school '
Me - ' I just don't feel well why 🐊 '
Scott - ' Just wounded '
Me - ' What ever I need to carry on reaserching ok ? '
Scott - ' Fine I'm gonna text you again later though '
Me - ' You don't have to check up on me Scott I'm fine '
Scott - ' Yeah I know but I have this terrible feeling something happened last night and so does Lydia '
Me - ' Scott I'm fine now go back to school '
Scott - ' Ok ok see ya bro '
Me - ' See ya '
I went back reaserching for the next couple of hours or so but the only thing I got was about vampires and I tried my best to get every detail of them . But then I felt some thing , hunger , first . I was clutching my stomach when I felt something , something on my tongue . I went to the bathroom and my guess was right . There in my mouth was a pair of fangs . They were white and bigger than a werewolf's . Then I looked at my eyes they were a glowing red the same colour as the ones I saw before passing out . Only these were full of confusion and panic . But before I could take any of this in I got another wave of hunger . I mounded wile clutching my stomach again .
" Hungry are we ? " a voice came from my room . Wait I know that voice it's the same as the one I heard when I got bit . I rushed into my room to see him standing there . Of corse the main thing I recognise is the fangs and eyes but it looks like I got my own pair of them now don't I ?
" I can help you with that " he grinned .
" W-who are you " I stammered a bit . Wow great job at trying to act tough !!
" My name is Drake and I'm the one who bit you . Now before you ask all these questions that are just pointless you should know I'm here to help you , I gave you a gift . And before you say you didn't want it well you know you did you can finally be as tough as those mutts you hang out with and you will certainly be faster " Drake explained . I looked at him in shock he took all the words out of my mouth but then once again I got a hunger wave .
" Yeah I've done this before . Any way we need to get you something to eat " he said grabbing my arm and teleporting me to the woods . What !? Well I shouldn't be that shocked I guess it was on that website I found .
" What are we doing here ? " I asked actually sounding clam .
" We are here so you can feed " he said pulling something from a whole . Oh god that smell . It's smells delicious. WAIT !! I saw the smell was coming of a woman with blood all over her .
" You smell it don't you ? The blood . And you want it you want to suck her dry ! " Drake laughed .
" NO I am not gonna kill her !! " I said looking at her . I know he is telling the truth I do want her blood but I don't want to take a life .
" Oh but you do once you get even a little taste of it you won't be able to stop " he smirked and put a bit of blood on his hand and wiped it on my mouth . Almost instantly I pounced on her biting her neck . It tasted so good I need more !!
" STILIES !! " I heard a recognisable voice . Then I got pulled of the woman and saw who it was .
Scott .

Fanged (a Stilies fan fiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now