What The Hell !?!?

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Stiles's PoV
I walked away from Scott not wanting to continue the conversation . The rest of the day was a blur , I wasn't listening to anything , not really caring . But at the end of the day just as I was about to open the door to my jeep Malia stopped me .
" Hi Stiles I haven't seen you all day were have you been ? " She asked .
I felt a little bit uncomfortable for some reason and I knew it wasn't just the fact that she listened in at me and Scott talking at lunch . It was something else something I really didn't like and it was kinda irritating .
" Um hi Malia I was just in the library " I replied .
I was in the library purely to avoid everyone . I knew it was a pretty obvious place but I was hoping they would just leave me alone and if they did come they wouldn't talk about the vampire thing because of all the people around and how quiet it is .
" Why were you in the library and not with us ? And why didn't you tell us you were there ? " Maila asked .
She kept questioning me and questioning me as if she wanted to know every single detail witch she probably did . No matter what I said she would come back with another question witch was becoming annoying .
" Why did you ignore us the whole day ? "
" Why won't you shut up and leave me alone !? " I snapped .
I was pretty sure my eyes flashed but I didn't care she was being the most annoying than she's ever been . Her eyes widened for a moment in shock but returned to normal quick now she looked mad .
" Fine " She said and crossed her arms .
" Fine " I replied .
" FINE !! " she yelled in my face her eyes glowing yellow .
" GO ON THEN !! " I yelled back .
" I AM " Malia started walking of red in the face .
Finally .
I got in my jeep and drove of to my house . It looks like my dad was home witch was to be expected as he was really sick .
" Hi dad " I said as I walked in the house .
" Hay " he replied with a stuffed nose " Whats up with you ? " he asked .
I guess my burning anger was obvious then .
" Nothing just Mailia being extremely annoying " I grounded still standing .
" Well this sickness must be getting worse " my dad commented .
" Why do you think that ? " I asked finally sitting next to him on the couch .
" I could've sworn that I saw your eyes turn purple "
Um ok ......... I know my eyes turn red but not purple I guess his sickness must really be bad .
Just as I thought that I also got the thought that I would have to tell my dad about the vampire thing .
" Purple eyes suit you " he giggled a little witch kinda creeped me out a little .
" Um ok ......... Look dad I've gotta tell you something " I said .
Oh god I hope he doesn't freak ! Well I guess the best time to tell him is when he's sick and delusional .
" Yes son "
" well - " just when I was about to say something drake came in .
" Nice to see you both again " he said grinning evilly .
Wait both of us ?
" So I herd your the sherif now well that's great and dandy but you know what's this about don't you Stelinski ? " Drake said now glaring at my dad .
WHAT THE F*** !?!?
Dad stand up immediately and looked furious wile I was still just sitting there being confused as hell .
" I knew you were back " dad satiated .
" Yes well you didn't expect me to abandon the treasure you ripped away from me " Drake hissed .
I was in shock of this whole thing just watching the drama happen .
Drake laughed the most evil laugh . Seriously SATEN would be jealous of how sinister this laugh sounded !
" You really should take better care " he snickered .
And with that drake was gone and this seemed the perfect time to ask as many questions as humanly possible . Well vampily possible ?
" OK !! WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED !? HOW DO YOU AND HIM KNOW EACH OTHER !? WHAT TREASURE !? WHY DID YOU STEEL IT !? AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT APPARENT ILLNESS !? " I asked them all really fast I'm not even sure if dad got all of them but I was to freaked out and freakin confused to go any slower .
" Ok first calm down , ok ? " dad said .
" Ok you deserve the truth " he took a breath " Let's start with I'm an retired vampire hunter and don't interrupt me . Ok so there are different types of vampires there is born vampires also known as pure bloods then there is bit vampires . Pure bloods are rare because they would have to be apart of the vampire royal family . Now vampires have rules that say vampires are not allowed to turn people into vampires any more and the royal family no longer grows . This is so the vampire race doesn't get over populated and they don't get found out by humans . So years ago I was on a mission to kill the out of control prince of vampires . This vampire was agenst all rules and was pure evil . Now after a long search I found him but what I was not expecting I found he had a son . I knew this child will become the most powerful and evil vampire to ever exist if he stayed with the prince . So I took him back to head quarters . He was only five at the time and he seemed completely innocent witch surprised me since he was with the prince . Now most vampires are mischievous and I expected him to be no different in that character rustic . I was right he caused trouble with out releasing it I think it was because of his curiosity always got the better of him . Head quarters decided it would be best to erase his memory of all things vampire and to shut his powers off the best they could . The boy had no were to go and no one to care for him . At least that's what I thought . It turned out head quarters replaced his memory with fake ones and they asked me to look after the boy as they had him to believe that I was his dad . They said I could train him but I thought he deserved a peaceful life so I moved him , Claudia and myself out of town . Of course Claudia is gone now but I never gave up on the boy I took care of him and I grew to love him and I still do " he looked a at me in the eyes but I looked away not knowing how to process any of this .
So does that mean Drake is my ........
Dad went up to me and hugged me crying a little into my shoulder .
" I was told only a few months ago that all the vampire stuff inside you could come back in two ways one they come back slowly or you would get bit by a pure blood . I-I'm so sorry I kept all this from you " he sniffed " Did he really turn you ? "
He pulled away and looked at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen on him . I simply nodded still not able to come out with any words . I didn't know if I was sad , angry or scared about the whole situation .
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and dad got his gun out and opened it .
Scott's PoV
I herd about Malia's and Stiles's little fight and I was still worried about Stiles so I went to his house to check up on him . I knocked on the door twist waiting for an answer . But when sherif Stelinski opened the door he had a gun and was pointing it in my face .
" Scott it's just you " he said lowering the gun .
" um what is going on ? " I asked walking in .
When I walked inside I saw Stiles sitting on the couch starring at a blanc wall with a blanc expression .
" Um Stiles will explain it I've got to a do some very important work " and with that he left .
I sat next to Stiles slowly .
" Stiles are you ok ? " I asked , Stiles shook his head " What happened ? What's going on ? "
" It's a long story " he said still not showing any emotion and not looking away from the wall .
" Tell it any way "
He did he told me the whole thing .
Stiles started to cry .
" Hay it's ok " I said rubbing his back .
" No it's not my dads not even my dad , I'm a pure blood vampire and have been my whole life , my real dad is trying to get me and - " he stopped .
" And what ? "
" And I enjoy drinking blood and killing people it's fun also that I'm starting to get a real hatred for werewolf's . But your my best friend even though you prefer going of with your little girl friends leaving me and me just a pointless side kick I still love you " He whispered .
I hugged him tight tears starting to fall down my own face .
" But now I'm slowly hating you more and more " .
Oh wow sorry sorry I know I say this every time but sorry !!!
I love all you guys for reading and I love your comments so much !! Your all awesome !!
Lyasm ❤️

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