Lost memory found

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Drakes PoV
I watched as the strawberry blonde haired girl painted and smiled at the result .
I herd Stiles say something about a banshee .
Interesting , I can use a Banshee to my advantage . But first I would like to get to know my son .
Stiles's PoV
" What does it mean ? " I asked looking up at the artwork which for some odd reason made me excited but scared .
" I don't know " she whispered " but I have a giant headache "
She rubbed her head with one hand the other on the wall trying to keep her up .
" Don't worry I'll take you home , ok ? "
She looked down and sighed .
" I'm so sorry I've ruined everything " she said .
" Hay it's ok , don't worry about it "
The car journey was actually really nice . We talked the whole way through .
" Bye Stiles I had a lovely time " she smiled warmly .
She hesitated for a second and kissed me on the cheek and left quickly .
I felt my cheeks on fire . Suddenly some fire formed in front of me making a heart . It set nothing on fire but it was beautiful .
After a minute or two staring at it , it burst leaving nothing .
Did I do that ?
I smiled . I wasn't sure what that was but I liked it .
I quickly had a sip of blood from the bottle which I kept in the car just in . Then I put on the radio and started to head home .
" If you don't swim you drown . But don't worry hunny . You look so perfect standing there in my American apparel underwear . And I know now that I'm so down "
I was singing along to 5 seconds of summer's song 'you look so perfect' when I finally got home .
I got out my precious jeep and started walking to the door but someone blocked my path . Drake .
He had a huge grin on his face and seemed excited .
Then out of no were he hugged me . It wasn't cold or uncomfortable like I thought it would be it was actually warm and comforting .
" I'm so glad I have you back " he whispered in my ear .
We pulled apart and I gave him a small smile .
" I know it's hard to believe but I loved you . You kept me happy and you was the reason I stayed on this god forsaken planet . But when they took you the thing I had to live for was to track you down and get you back "
" Wasn't people trying to kill you ? " I asked .
" Yeah but it never worked , I always won the fight " he laughed " now I can train you and saw that fire heart thing you have one of the most rare powers in the world "
" Really ? "
" YES !! It was a an old myth that some day there would be a vampire who would have the ability to control an element . And I'm so proud it's you "
" Wait was you spying on me ? "
How would he of seen that if he wasn't ?
" Maybe . But only so I could keep an eye on you " he smiled .
He took my hand and teleported me some were .
" This is were you grew up " Drake smiled excited at me .
We was standing in front of an old cottage . Leaves was growing in up the side and it looked dark inside yet it seemed cozy and warm .
"  I know it doesn't look like much but I was hoping you would get some memories back . I don't expect you to stay long because I know I'm still not your complete dad yet but I was just hoping maybe stay for an hour or two "
I thought it over for a moment .
" Um sure I guess "
I'm probably gonna regret this aren't I ?
We walked inside and it was all so new yet so familiar .
" You used to love this place " he said looking around as if he hadn't seen it in years himself .
Which didn't surprise me it did look kinda look abandoned .
" Oh oh ! This was your favourite toy you called him fangs , it was so cute " He picked up an old rag toy dog and gave it to me .
I couldn't help but smile wide and a let a single tear drop down my face .
" T-this actually looks f-familiar " I said stroking the old toy .
" You do !? " he smiled even brighter than before .
He showed me every room , all of them with different memories .
I was laying in a bundle of blankets and cushions that was scattered on the floor still holding Fangs . I felt like a little kid again with a whole different life not knowing a lot about the world I've been brought into .
I slowly fell to sleep .
I was running around the village as it burned to the ground .
" Do you have to kill them all daddy ? " I asked .
He looked down at me and smiled fondly .
" Well son I know it doesn't seem worth it but trust me it is . Here I'll show you " he took my hand and brung me to an lady that was covered in blood .
" Drain her "
I was unsure at first but then he put some blood on my mouth and I couldn't resist as he probably predicated .
" I feel bad now " I said .
" But you liked it didn't you ? " he asked .
I nodded .
" Don't be so glum look I've got an old friend who wants to see you "
My frown immediately turned to a smile .
" Can you guess who it is ? " He crouched down " Fangs !" He said excitedly .
I squeaked and hugged him .
" well der who else would it be ? " I laughed .
He laughed at my comment .
" Hay cheeky "
He picked me up and put me on his shoulders .
" Yay "
We played for the remainder of the eavning , having a wonderful time .
I fell asleep in my room cuddled up to Fangs . But when I woke I was in a small white room alone .
" Daddy ? "
Then it all went black .
*end of memory*
Drake's PoV
I watched as Stiles slowly fell asleep . It was so cute .
Even though he's a teen he's still my baby boy . I missed him and in these few hours of being with him he's told me all about his life and adventures .
He's just like I thought he would be . Sarcastic,loyal,smart he was my perfect son .
The only thing I need to teach him is to be more evil , drink blood without guilt , to abandon those mutts and all about his powers .
I looked at the time and sighed .
" Guess it's time for you to go home hm ? " I whispered .
I held his hand and teleported him to his the house he lived in with the man I despised for taking the most important thing away from me , Stiles . I was about to go when I noticed he still had Fangs in his arms .
" I'll get you back my little Dracula "
Sheriff Stelinski's PoV
I just got home from having a meeting with the Vampire Hunter League Of Importance aka the V.H.L.O.I to see Stiles lying on the couch asleep .
He was holding an old toy . Is sighed .
" I love you and I'll protect you " I said as I sat next to him watching him sleep .
I was leaning in to kiss him on the head when his eyes shot open , they were blood red .
" S-Stiles have you had any blood ? " I asked backing away .
He shook his head slowly as he started to stand up . He grinned devilishly at me .
I couldn't believe what I was seeing . I spent so long trying to make sure I never saw this . I never wanted to see Stiles as a vampire . I never wanted that side that's always been inside of him to come out .

Fanged (a Stilies fan fiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now