The Pack Finds Out

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Lydia's PoV
When I arrived at Derek's apartment every one was there except one person , Stiles .
" Ok now your all here - " Scott started but Malia interrupted .
" Um but Stiles isn't here yet " She pointed out .
" I know " Scott said with a grave expression .
Oh god what's happened now ?
" Scott is there something wrong with Stiles ? " I asked with pleading eyes . Stiles is one of my best friends even though I ignored him for years before that we're close now and he makes me feel safe . I can't lose him .
" Well that's the thing . Stiles was ......." Scott trailed of not being able to finish his sentence .
" Oh for gods sake he was turned into a bloody vampire and now we should go stake him !! " Peter shouted from the back of the room .
" HE WHAT !? " Malia shouted .
Oh god this can't be happening . Stiles can't be a vampire he is supposed to stay human .
I couldn't keep it in tears started streaming down my face .
" You herd me and I say we kill him before he kills us " Peter got up and started walking towards Scott
" Why would he kill us ? " Issac asked .
" Because he is a F***ING VAMPIRE " Peter yelled .
" We will figure this all out we won't kill him " I said tears stinging my eyes .
"  And he won't try to kill us " Scott said .
" Scott once someone turns into a vampire there most likely to change forever " Derek said stepping into the discussion .
After hours of discussing what we're gonna do , well more like arguing , we got no were .
" Look I have to go my mom is gonna wonder were I am " I said rubbing my eyes because of the tears .
" Ok we can continue this tomorrow " Scott sighed .
I walked outside into the moonlight and took a deep breath .
" Hay it's gonna be ok don't worry " Allison said as she came out and hugged me .
" I know I know " I lied .
I have no idea if this was gonna be ok . All I know is there is more to all this than we know and this is bigger than we think . I just have a feeling .
Scott's PoV
" Scott I know he's your friend but we are gonna do something quick " Derek said to me before I left .
We will figure this out we will , we have to .
I ran out into the woods , away from everyone . When I was far away I broke down . I started to cry the tears I've been keeping in .
Why you out of everyone you ?
*the next day*
" Hay Scott hi Kira " Lydia said as she came up to me and Kira .
" Hi do you two think Stiles will be in school today ? " Kira asked .
" I hope he does that way we will be able to keep an eye on him " I said .
Lydia started to look behind me and kept her eyes fixed there so I guessed he was here . I turned around and Stiles was walking into through the hall way . Only he looked different , his skin was more pale than usual it looked unhealthy yet he looked stronger than ever . He was wearing a leather jacket and a white t-shirt with black jeans . He walked past us flashing Lydia a smile .
" Well it looks like we're gonna have to make sure he does nothing weird all day " Kira sighed .
Nothing happened most of the day actually it was kinda normal until lunch came along . I saw Stiles by his locker so I decided to talk to him .
" Hay Stiles " I said .
" Hay Scott " he replied not looking at me .
" You ok ? " I asked trying to get anything out of him that might seem odd or will help .
" Yeah why wouldn't I be ? " Stiles asked turning to look at me .
How can he be acting like nothing happened yesterday ?
" Well considering what happened yester- " I didn't finish my sentence because Stiles started clutching his stomach .
Oh no he must be hungry .
Stiles looked up a at me and his eyes glowed red and he was licking his lips witch I knew had fangs in .
" Get the bottle out of my locker " he said looking down again .
" What ? But Sti- " once again not being allowed to finish what I was saying .
" JUST DO IT " He looked up at me again with anger and frustration in his eyes .
So I did what I was told and handed him the metal from his locker . He drunk a bit of the content but not a lot . He stood up straight smiling his teeth red .
" Thanks " He said licking his teeth to revile his teeth back to normal " Well see ya " with that he closed his locked and started to walk away but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back .
" Wait did Deaton give that to you ? " I asked pretty sure I knew the answer .
" Not exactly " Stiles said his smile fading .
Oh great please don't tell me he killed another person .
" Stiles were did you get that blood ? Did you kill someone again ? " I asked scared .
" I'll be honest with you Scott . I didn't kill someone to get this blood but last night there may have been some blood sucking and a man on the road by the forest " He said .
" Stiles " I groaned putting my head in my hands .
" I'm sorry " He said panicky .
" I know I know but we have to do something " I said sighing " Wait you were did you get that blood then ? "
Stiles started to look behind me with his eyes started to show the hint of anger .
" What you looking at ? " I asked
I turned around not seeing any thing out of the ordinary .
" There hiding behind the lockers over there . And they have been listening in on the whole conversation " Stiles said .
" Um who ? " I asked getting confused .
" Who do you think ? Lydia , Isaac and Malia " Stiles sighed " I got to go and don't try to stop me again please " and with that he left .
I walked over to the lockers Stiles was talking about and sure enough they were hiding there obviously spying on us using Isaac's and Malia's hearing .
" Hi Scott so ....... What did you and Stiles talk about? " Isaac asked .
" I think you know " I sighed " What are we gonna do ? "
Sorry sorry sorry this took way to long and it's way to short but here it is tada !!
Thanks For Reading ❤️❤️
Ilyasm xoxoxoxo

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