New strength

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Scott's PoV
Peter pounced on Stiles .
Why can't I get him of I'm the alpha . WHAO !!
Stiles some how pushed pushed Peter off . The impact was so strong Peter flew across the room and hit the wall . Stiles's eyes were glowing red again and his fangs were out when he got up and ran to Peter witch only took a split second .
Must be a vampire thing ?
" They hate werewolf's no matter what he will try to kill you Scott !! " Peter yelled standing up but just as he did Stiles Punched him in the face witch made Peter fall to the ground again .
" SHUT UP SHUT UP Y-YOU WORTHLESS MUTT " Stiles screamed at him .
" STILES ! Calm down " I Said pulling Stiles away from Peter .
What Peter is saying is crazy right ? I mean this is Stiles he is my best friend he would never try to kill me .
" I've got to go " Stiles said and he was gone in a blink of an eye before any one had the chance to abject .
" We need to find him he can't hurt any one else " Deaton said looking me in the eyes .
" Um Deaton Peter isn't right is he ? About Stiles hating me just because I'm a werewolf " I asked scared of the answer I was gonna get .
" Of course I'm right vampires are our arch nemesis even humans know that " Peter grunted getting up with a bad black eye but it was starting to heel . I chose to ignore him .
" I'm afraid it's true when someone becomes a vampire they get new instincts to hate werewolf's and werewolf's have instincts to hate vampires " Deaton said .
No me and Stiles have been friends since he moved here when he was 5 ! He won't hate me and I won't hate him especially if it's just because he got bit by a stupid vampire .
" Im gonna have to tell the rest of the pack ain't I ? " I grounded .
" Im afraid so Scott " Deaton said looking at me with sympathetic eyes .
" Fine I'll text them and tell them to meet in the loft " I said and got out my phone .
This is gonna be terrible. How am I gonna tell them Stiles has turned into a blood thirsty vampire . Malia is gonna flip .
Stiles's PoV
I ran out of there to get away from Peter and from Scott .
This is to much . Oh god .
Then another sudden hunger wave came to me . Which is just great isn't it ?
No no not again I can't kill another person . Well it does seem fun ........NO !!!!
" Yeah hunger waves come twice a day for fledglings such like your self " a familiar evil voice snickers from behind me " I've got to start training you . Vampires are always the most powerful when there first bit . All that lasts for about a year next year you will be a normal vamp . But it's still good to train early . Besides I have a feeling you have a special power like me only I don't think it's teleportation " Drake said scratching his chin as if he was in deep thought .
" Can you please just help me get something or someone to eat " I asked .
I can't help it I just want to kill someone and drain the dry . I'll deal with the guilt and Scott later .
" Of course I need to train you to hunt " He said smiling at me with excitement " I've been waiting for you to be so eager "
" I still think it's wrong but I can't help it " I said with sadness .
" Well the guilt will go . Right now you seem to nice go be a proper vampire but you will get better " Drake smiled brightly .
" That supposed to be a good thing ? " I asked .
" Just come on "
I followed him through the forest , getting weaker every step , until we were at the edge and you could see the road .
" Ok so we need to wait for someone to come . If there is a car - " Drake started but I saw a car coming so sprung into action .
I stood in front of the car with surprisingly no fear and the car halted to a stop only an inch away from me .
Man driving the car's PoV
" What you doing boy ? You can't just walk out in the middle of the road , you wanna get yourself killed ? Were did you even come from I didn't see you till the last minute " I said looking around starting to get a little creeped out by this sick looking teen .
He didn't reply he only smiled at my confusion and took a step closer to me .
" What are you doing ? You look kinda ill maybe we should get you to an hospital " I said .
" You know what I realised ? You ask to many questions . At least to many for my liking " The boy said pair of white fangs forming from his mouth as he spoke .
I started to run , run as fast as I can . I didn't know what else to do .
He caught up we me pretty fast and talked me to the ground as expected .
" Why are you doing this ? " I asked as his mouth got closer and closer to my neck .
" Why won't you shut the f*** up ? " he replied .
And that was the last thing I herd before everything went dark .
Stiles's PoV
No ! I killed another person . Only this time it's worse I wasn't made to do it I did it all by myself .
" Wow for your first alone kill that was bloody brilliant " Drake slapped me on the back as he looked over at the shrivelled corpse of my meal .
" And here comes the guilt that will haunt me for the rest of my life " I groaned .
" It's wired usually after a vampires first alone kill they don't care about the guilt or about taking innocent lives . What makes you so different ? " Drake looked at me up and down as if he was studying me for why I am different from the rest of the newly bit vampires .
" I don't know but I should go " I said sadly not really knowing what to do .
" Ok you can go here have this " He handed me a bottle of what smelt like blood " The bottle is made of special metal that keeps what ever is in it fresh it's for tomorrow you need to keep a low profile so that's why when we kill we get most of the blood in these to handle are hunger for a few weeks . Only drink this when you have a hunger wave ok ? " Drake explained .
" Yeah and all that stuff about saving the blood so no one gets suspicious about to many murders is quite a good idea " I said taking the bottle .
" Thanks " he smiled .
" Well bye then " I said and ran of with my new found vampire speed and got home within ten seconds .
Maybe this vampire thing isn't gonna be that bad .
Sorry if it's to short or if it took to long I try to write fast .
I have another story about gladers from The Maze Runner in the Hunger Games if any one will like that . I've only done one part so far sorry . You don't have to read it .
Any fead back is accepted any ideas is also accepted .
Thanks for reading this fan fic !
Ly ❤️❤️❤️❤️✌🏻️

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