Smoke In My Lungs

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Stiles's PoV
I was gonna just ignore it but my curiosity got the best of me and I started to follow the smell . After awhile I found the fire that the smoke was coming from . It was massive and there were screams coming from inside the ring of fire . There were three kids about twelve years old with an old lighter witch looked like they found it on the ground , witch they probably did .
" PLEASE SOMEONE HELP US !! " a girl with red curly hair screamed .
I placed the bird down and looked at the fire .
I had no idea what to do but for some reason my instincts kept on telling me to put my hand in the fire .
" HELP !! " the boy with brown hair shouted .
Against all logic and my better judgement I put my hand in the burning fire . I closed my eyes bracing myself for the pain . But nothing happened . I opened them and I was getting no burns .
I breathed slowly and started to ove my hand in slow circles still not sure why I'm doing any of this it just felt right . The fire started collecting into one big orb in my hand . I clapped my hands together and the orb insinagraited leaving only ash and a few sparks .
I looked up and saw the three kids terrified and all shaken up .
" W-what just h-happened ? " the blonde girl asked .
" Yeah how did you do that ? " the boy asked .
I sighed not really knowing how to answer .
" Why do you three have an old lighter ? " I decided to reply with a question and see what there explanation to the fire was .
They all went white and looked at each other worried .
" We found it and was just looking at it " the red head said .
I had a feeling they weren't telling me the complete truth so asked another question .
" Were exactly did you find the lighter "
" Oh fine my dad got drunk and frew it at me BUT it was an accident and he is a good guy " The boy said really quickly I only just got it .
Well that was easier than I thought .
" And please don't tell are parents we had it coz they'll just say we were doing something bad " blondie said .
" My parents always think I'm doing something bad " red head said crossing her arms , pouting .
" Um what are your names ? " I asked .
" Well I'm Joe this is Elizabeth " he motioned to red head " and Skyler " Joe said motioning to blondie .
" Actually it's Sky " Sky corrected .
" Yeah and I'm actually Liz " Liz said .
I smiled at them . They seemed so innocent and I could scence Joe was telling the truth . I looked at them closer and I could see pain in there eyes and that's when I realised the burns witch looked bad .
" Oh shit I need to take you guys to the hospital to get those burns looked at " I said .
" But then they'll find out about the lighter and my dad he'll get in trouble " Joe said , eyes wide .
" Don't worry I'll make something up " I winked .
I used my new speed to get them there quickly and stopped outside the hospital .
" Um I would appreciate it if you didn't tell any one about how I stopped the fire or how I got you here " I said hopefully .
" Don't worry we'll keep your secret but what are you ? And what's your name ? " Liz asked .
I sighed .
" I'm Stiles and I'm a vampire that has no idea what I'm doing " I replied .
" So your new to this vampy thing " Sky said .
" I guess . Any way lets get you three inside " I smiled .
I walked in and only just realised this might have not been the best place to go when your new to the vampire thing .
I was gonna give them to a doctor and leave as quickly as possible but unfortunately Melissa was there and had questions .
" Stiles wha- " she started but I cut her of .
" Um sorry but these three really need to be looked at " I said moshaning towards Joe , Sky and Liz .
" Of course " she said taking them away .
I sighed in relief and turned around to walk out but who was there ? None other but Scott .
" What happened to you ? " he yelled whispered .
" I - " he didn't let me finish .
" Why are you at a hospital ? "
" Well - "
" Do you realise how dangerous this is ? "
" YES !! " I said a little to loudly " Yes I do Scott and that's why I'm trying to leave but your stupid werewolf ass is in my way "
He looked shocked and I could feel my eyes flash red at him when I was talking and we're still red while glaring but I didn't care sometimes I swear he can be such a -
" Stiles can I ask you some questions about those three kids " Melissa said .
My eyes turned to normal and I had one last glance at Scott .
His face had an expression saying 'what have you done' .
I walked with Melissa into an empty hospital room .
" Why do they have all those burns ? "
" Well I found these kids in the woods they seemed lost so I was helping them but we started to smell smoke when fire started to spread around us . It separated me and them . Eventually I was able to put the fire out but unfortunately they ended up with burns " I said .
I started thinking over what I just said and realised so many faults in it and I'm pretty sure Melissa noticed some .
I looked at her and she obviously didn't believe me .
" Can I please go now ? " I asked fiddling with my thumbs .
I could smell blood everywhere and it was getting harder and harder to keep my fangs and eyes under control .
" Stiles are you ok ? " Melissa looked at me worried reaching out her hand to me .
I swatted it , but a little to fiercely .
Her hand hit the wall with great force and she moaned in pain .
" I'm sorry that wasn't meant to be that hard " I said panicking a little .
" It's ok stiles " she looked at her hand witch had a big red and purple mark on .
She was about to write something down but she accidentally gave her self a paper cut and of course I smelt the blood and I could not resist I've been keeping the instinct in since I got in this hospital .
I started walking slowly towards Melissa with my eyes and mouth closed .
" Um Stiles ? "
I could sense her moving backwards .
" Stiles you kinda creeping me out "
I opened my eyes and smirked showing my fangs over my bottom lip .
Melissa's eyes widened and she ran to door but I got there first and locked it .
" Now were do you think your going " I snickered . 
" S-Stiles what are you doing ? " she asked " what happened to you ? "
" You blind ? What does it look like happened ? "
Tears started to fall down her face and it seemed like I only just realised what I was doing and even though I wanted her blood badly I started to walk away hitting my back on the wall . She looked up at me and her expression changed once she saw mine .
" Stiles ? " she started to get closer but I was avoiding her at all cost .
" I-I'm sorry " I stuttered out tears starting to fall down my face .
How much have I cried since all this happened . To be fair you probably would cry to if you were in my position . (I wanna be a vampire it would be cool except maybe the blood? Idk sorry)
" Hay hay it's ok . You didn't hurt me and look your stopping yourself now " She said softly .
" Can you tell me the whole story please ? " She asked hopefully .
I sighed .
" Ok but can you put a plaster on your finger please it might help me control " I replied .
Melissa did just that and sat next to me on the floor by the door .
I told her everything that happened and I'm glad I did . She was so comforting and nice . She was like a mom to me .
After a while of just talking I started to feel sleepy . On the internet I found that vampires don't need that much sleep but maybe one night a week and I haven't slept at all during this . My head was on Melissa's shoulder and slowly my eyes closed and I went in to a dreamless sleep .
Yeah ............................ HI
I've been gone for a while *laughs nervously* . School started and I've got homework already and tbh I should be doing my science right now but yeah .
I say this every chapter but sorry . At least it's here now ! Better late than never !
What do you think of it ? Please tell me !!
Lyasm ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✌🏻️🍟😋🎁🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

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