Do I Love Him ?

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Scott's PoV
My mom and Stiles has been in the same room for at least an hour now and I was getting worried .
The three kids or 'pre teens' he was with earlier started coming down the hall looking as if they were looking for someone .
" um excuse me but I saw you with my friend earlier and I was just wondering what happened and he didn't hurt you did he ? " I asked as I was going up to them .
They looked at each other as if waiting for each other to speak .
" JOE !? " a girl about two years older than the three kids with a British accent came running up to them and started hugging the boy who I guess is Joe .
" Zoe I'm fine " he said with the same accent rolling his eyes .
She pulled away from him and started to examine his burns .
" What happened !? I got the home phone call before dad could and a doctor said you was in the hospital because of some bad burns " Zoe said her eyes watering .
" Dad doesn't know your here does he ? " He looked up at her with worried eyes .
" Don't worry he has no idea " She reassured him .
While she was speaking I herd her heart beat speed up . She's lying ?
They all left with Zoe not talking to me or even looking at me again .
Mom left the room she and Stiles went alone with a small , worried frown .
" Mom are you ok ? " I asked rushing up to her .
" Yes honey I'm fine just worried for Stiles " She said looking back at the door .
" What happened in there ? "
Mom sighed and told me everything in a whisper so no one else can here .
" I don't know what I'm gonna do with him " I said putting my hand through my hair .
" I'm sure you'll work something out , you always do " she smiled warmly .
" What's he doing now ? "
" He's just having some rest "
Lydia's PoV
I was in my room studying for a history test but I couldn't concentrate .
What if Stiles is in trouble ? What are we gonna do when Peter try's to get him ?
Scott missed the pack meeting and Peter swore he was gonna get Stiles if we don't do any thing and any other vampire that might be around .
" Honey ? You ok ? "
" Yes mom " I said looking up to see her letting her self in .
" it's just you seemed a bit upset when you came in " she sat on the end of my bed with a sad smile .
" Yeah it's just my friend he ...... Well he's in a bad situation right now and I'm worried for him " a tear rolled down my face " There is nothing I can do and I don't want to lose him . Then there's the fact that ...."
" The fact that what ? "
" The fact that I think I might like him more than a friend " I whispered .
I looked up in shock of what I just said .
Why did I say that ? Do I like him ?
Oh god Malia .
" Is that a bad thing ? "
" I think so "
*Two hours later*
What am I gonna do ?
Maybe I should text him . He's still Stiles my friend and he needs me right now .
Me -"Stiles you ok I haven't talked to you in a while"
I waited for about five minutes before I got a reply witch I was excited but scared to read .
Stiles💗 -"Hay Lydia ! Yeah I'm ok sorry I haven't had a chance to talk to you there's been a lot going on and I'm sure you know what has been happening"
Me -"Yeah but don't worry you still have me and the pack"
Stiles💗 -"Not the whole pack . I know Peter is planning something I just don't know what and me and Malia kinda had a fight"
Once I read that they had a fight the fist thought that went to my head is 'can this be my chance?' But Malia's my friend I can't do that to her .
But I still can hang out with him as friends right ?
Me -"I'm so sorry maybe you and I can hang out or something and you can talk about or just get you mind of everything"
Stiles💗 -"I would love that ! How about tomorrow I'll pick you up at 2pm ?"
I smiled even if it wasn't a date I wanted to see him .
Me -"Sure that sounds amazing"
Stiles💗 -"You the best see you tomorrow "
Me -"see you tomorrow ❤️"
*the next day*
" Honey a Stiles is out side waiting for you "
" Coming "
I walked out side to see Stiles by his jeep .
" H-hi you look amazing " he said stuttering a little .
I giggled and blushed .
" Thanks you're not looking to bad your self " I smiled .
We got in the jeep and it hit me . We didn't say were we were going .
" Um Stiles were are we going ? "
He grinned .
" It's a surprise "
" Should I be scared ? " I laughed .
" Yes "
The rest of the journey we sat in comfortable silence .
I looked out the window and everything was so unfamiliar . We stopped outside an abandoned building .
" Um Stiles ? "
" I know it doesn't look like much but trust me "
We got out and Stiles took my hand and started dragging me .
" Oh my god " I said once he pulled me into the building .
There was graffiti and art everywhere . It wasn't bad or anything , it was beautiful .
" This building is dedicated for art and freedom , people come here and do what ever they like and paint what ever they like " he starts walking over to a loose floor bored " There even is some hidden spray paint for people to use under here "
" It's amazing "
" I knew you would like it . I know you like art and that you're good at it so here " he handed me some paint .
I smiled at him and I started to spray on a piece of blank wall but instead of paint coming out there was bats .
" AAAAHHHH " I screamed .
More and more bats started to come and they started to circle me blocking my sight of anything else .
But then the bats started to fly away from me and over to Stiles .
" NO "
I couldn't do anything no matter what I tried nothing worked . The bats started to fly towards the sealing and simply vanished .
I ran to Stiles who was lying on the floor, looking weak .
" Oh my god are you ok ? What just happened ? "
I just reaching to touch his shoulder when he grabbed my arm . He looked up at me with glowing red eyes and I could plainly see the pair of white fangs .
" Stiles what are you doing ? "
" Questions , questions , questions all about the questions " he smirked " Well I've got a question for you "
I looked at him fear all over my face .
" Who's side are you on ? "
" Stiles I'm with you and so is the pack don't do anything you'll regret "
He snickered and Leander into my neck stopping just so I can feel his icy cold breath .
" Scream for me , Lydia "
And I did .
" Lydia ? Lydia ? LYDIA !? "
Stiles ?
I looked around and I was were I was just before the bats came .
" What happened ? "
" I gave you the paint and you just started to paint with out blinking and not saying anything " he replied .
" Oh " was all I could say .
" Are you ok ? Was it a Banshee moment ? "
I didn't reply just looked up at my painting .
It was a bat fighting a wolf . The bat was clearly winning .
HI HI HI HI !!!!!!
I know what a rubbish chapter . What did you think of 'Banshee moment' ?
I hope you're liking the book so far and tell me your opinion in the comments .
I have school in the morning . NOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!
And I have to start a new time table coz the bloody people in charge of that got it all wrong . So after of like three weeks I have to have different teachers , different classes and different times ! *sigh* the British school system . I guess not all schools mess up but yeah my school bus messes up as well so far it has broken down three times , the window has smashed two times and it has been late god knows how many times .
Ok sorry bye

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