Glad To Have You Back

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(A/N : The picture is what Dan looks like now and that is what he is wearing)
Malia's PoV
Everyone started arguing about what we were going to do while I just stood in shock .
This is all my fault . If only I just helped him instead of argued and pushed him .
They just wouldn't stop arguing and I started to think to my self .
This is all my fault I should fix it .
" WE CAN NOT WAIST TIME!! " the Sheriff screamed .
I groaned in annoyance . I howled and they all shut up immediately and looked at me .
I smiled .
" Look you lot need to to shut the f*** up and let me speak " I took a breath " I have a plan of my own , and I will need you guys " .
I looked around and each one of them had blanc expressions .
" First Sheriff you need to call the Vampire Hunter League thingy saying you need to speak to them about getting Stiles back ok? "
"Ok" he nodded .
" Then when you get there you need to make a big scene and maybe even try to attack one of the people there . Then we will need to find a way to shut off the power Lydia will you be able to do it ? "
" I think so , I'll try anything for Stiles " she smiled .
I couldn't help but feel angry at that . She does know he is my boyfriend right ?
She must have noticed my expression or something because she immediately looked down as if she felt bad .
Pfft she wants to steel him but I swear to god I won't let that happen !
" Any way after that we need Peter and Derek to cause another distraction by being werewolfs and destroying stuff so they think that is what this is all about . Peter will be in one side of the building while Derek will be in the other so we get as many guards as possible going after you . Isaac you will be outside by the front gate again distracting them , try to act vulnerable , injured and once they get close and get of guard as there trying to help and I you , attack! Get it so far ?" I asked .
They all nodded looking at me eagerly .
" Before we go we will need to know the layout , who all the workers are , were they will be and were he is kept so again Lydia if you can "
She nodded .
" Hopefully me and Scott will be able to get to the place Stiles is at we will get him out "
" How will you get in the door there must be something powerful or really strong so vampires can't get out ? " Eathan pointed out .
" As I said earlier we will find out who all the workers will be so my guess we will be able to find out who has the key or were it is kept . That will be you two's job , go get the key and meet me and Scott at the door " I said pointing at the twins (AN: There both alive in this I forgot to mention sorry)
They nodded slowly as if there only just getting it . I rolled my eyes .
Idiots .
" Then we grab him and bolt it . So that's my plan , it's not the best but it's something "
They all looked at each other and nodded .
" We will do it " Scott said .
*a week later*
" Ok Sheriff time to call them , we have all what we need to know ! "
" Ok "
He picked up the phone and typed in a phone number '66666 666666' seriously ?
We all looked at him eagerly but his facial expression didn't give of the best impression .
Once he put the phone down I stood right up .
" What did they say !? "
His face looked grim and tears were filling up in his eyes , making them look cloudy .
" He isn't there anymore , he got broke out three days ago "
Stiles's PoV
I woke up from yet another memory and sat up .
I sighed .
" Dan "
A single tear rolled down my cheek . I might only remember one time with him but he seemed great . He was my cousin , my real cousin . We were having fun and he didn't seem evil at all , in fact he seemed to notice my dad acting bad .
" I wish I still had family like that " I said aloud .
All of a sudden alarms started to boom threw the room and I started to here shouts and screams from out side .
Something started to bang on the door repeatedly until it finally broke down .
" Who's there !? " I asked .
A boy around my age walked in , he had brown straight hair , was sorta tall and was wearing all black . He seemed vaguely familiar . But one thing that caught my eye was his crimson red eyes and pearly white fangs .
" Look I know you probably don't remember but I'm here to help you so please to come with me " he pleaded with a posh British accent .
Wait can it be ?
" Dan? " I said unsure .
The boy smiled and nodded before grabbing my arm and started dragging me out the room .
We ran through a lot of corridors , all looking the same to me . We was running at human spread because I felt to weak to go any faster . We finally ended up outside and we jumper in the back of a mini van .
" Dan, you have him ? " a boy with a British accent that had a slight northern pinch to it .
He had jet black hair and striking blue eyes (A/N: cue jet 'black heart' *starts singing badly* coz I've got a jet black heart and there's a hurricane underneath it) , he seemed maybe a couple years older than us .
Dan nodded with so much excitement he seemed like a little kid still .
" You didn't hurt anyone on the way did you ? " he asked with concerned eyes .
That's when his face fell and he looked at the ground .
" Dan " the boy said with a warning tone .
" Itwasnothingseriousanditwasonlyoneperson " Dan said really fast .
Blue eyes sighed .
" I know you wouldn't have done anything on purpose " he gave him a sympathetic smile .
" Then there was blood so I had to be quick " Dan sighed .
" Hey it's ok , don't you want to go back to this " he pointed at both of us then rolled up a window which divided us from him and he started driving .
Dan had a huge smile again and hugged me , I hugged back because I knew he was one of the only real family I had left .
" Again I know you might not exactly remember me still but I'm happy to have you back "
He pulled away and looked me in the eye his was now brown .
" Well I don't have that much real memories from before I got took away , in fact I only have two ! But one is with me and you as kids in a small woods clearing just having fun , of course your hair was curly then" I chuckled a little .
He blushed .
" Yeah I don't like my hair as its natural state so I straighten it . What made you recognise me ? "
" Well you do still have that posh accent of yours " I said mimicking it .
" My accent is not posh ! " he wined and did a very familiar fake pout .
I burst out laughing , he has barley changed from what I've seen .
" Whatever " I said rolling my eyes " Can you um tell me more about my life before the whole gotten taken away thing ? "
He gave me a sad smile .
" Well I don't remember every little detail but I do have some ideas . I know you lived with your dad and I was told your mum well she ....... Any way I came to live with you when we were 4 because apparently I was trouble, to sarcastic, to disrespectful, to awkward, that I wore to much black and I was a misfit . Um sorry anyway we became close fast and we got along . Your dad treated me well he would say that you two were my family and the rest didn't deserve us . He would take us on trips and have fun . We would always cause some sort of trouble whether it was an accident or on purpose . I had a suspicion that your dad wasn't exactly..... Well-"
" Don't worry I know he is evil , trust me " I said .
He sighed in relief obviously thinking I would take it offensively .
" He would take us to see villages getting destroyed....... He said it was for fun and that the people all deserved it , he also said that we would be doing it together like a duo when we got older , guess that didn't happen . It was brutal anyway . One time I had this weird cold thing only vampires can get so I couldn't go , you only just turned 5 I was going to be 5 in a month . About an hour after you two left I herd people down stairs I got scared so I hid . After bout ten minutes I herd one man say that they captured a small vampire boy , you . I was able to escape but I was determined to get you . It didn't work for obvious reasons me being four and all . I was homeless, having no were to go . One night a woman was drunk and stumbled into the ally I was sleeping in . I woke up to her falling and cracking her head open . I smelt the blood and I-I d-drank her blood . After t-that I s-started killing people at least o-once a m-month . It was just to good , I hated myself f-for it " He sniffed .
I rubbed his back , trying to be comforting .
" But about a two years ago Phil found me and helped me . His dad actually works at the Vampire Hunter League Of blah blah " he said using quotation marks which I couldn't help laughing to " So I found out what happened to you and the he found out that they got you again . I didn't know what to think but then Phil said he would help me brake you out , even though it put him in danger "
" He seems like a good friend " I smiled .
Dan started to blush and he looked down .
" Or maybe more than a friend " I smirked .
" I didn't want to tell you "
" Aww Danny got a boyfriend " I teased .
" Shut Up " he giggled .
" Don't worry I can totally see it "
He smiled at me and I hugged him .
" Wait what about the rest of are family ? " I asked pulling away " I was told there were no pure bloods left and that there was now a council "
" to be honest I don't know " He looked down .
" So your mom and dad are probably...... "
" Dead " he sighed " but not that they loved me any way "
" I'm sure they did they just didn't show it " I reassured him .
" Thanks cuz . I'm so glad to have you back " he said .
" me to "
Ok so it might have taken me a while but this is the longest chapter yet so yay ?
Any way I'm glad you guys are liking it !
Lyasm ❤️❤️
Ps . What is your favourite band ?
Mine is 5SOS coz there perfect dorks .

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