Chapter 2 - twins ?!

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Sausage POV:

It's been a few days since the private tour. Gem and her mother queen Crystalline have opened the school up by now. We are all currently waiting in the entrance hall. At least some of us are. We were gathered in different groups based on the dorms we would stay in. It's organised in different floors. Everyone on the same floor belonged into the same "group". This meant it would be our main group to be with for classes and breaks. Also we would all share a community area, which was located in the tower section belonging to our floor.

Me and Pearl stood next to each other and waited for them to start. I couldn't contain my excitement, finally I'm gonna be able to have a sleepover with Pearl every day.

"Hello my dear fellow royals!" Gem started saying.

"Sadly we are still missing a few from the group. Once everyone is here we will start to announce the dorms and everyone can get settled in then. Until then, please be patient, enjoy the time here and maybe even start to get to know your fellow classmates" the queen continued saying.

She smiled at us. We knew the queen. Being Gems friends and all. This just meant we could sneak around and wouldn't even get into trouble. At least I hope Gem would get us out of said trouble...

Gem walked up to us and started talking about how frustrating it is that some royals just don't show up on time.

"Gem who's missing?" I asked her curiously. Who knew maybe it was someone cute ?

"Three people. The sea sibling or as they call themselves Seablings and the Grimlands prince." She said. At that moment we heard someone open the door. There stood a girl with pink hair that was dragging a suitcase that was pink and blue and had a sunset over an ocean as a picture on it. She had normal skin, but you could see her blue axolotl Fins.

Same for the guy behind Her. He had an annoyed expression on his face and was carrying a suitcase, that had a cod on it. He had cod Fins. I guess these are the Seablings ? Now I get why sea. So these are the ocean rulers. The boy was struggling with his suitcase. One of the wheels was stuck so he had to lift and drag it all the time. It looked really funny from where I was standing. The pink haired girl looked pretty impatient and tried to hurry him up since the queen already started welcoming them.

"Make that one missing" I said. Gem laughed.

The wait didn't take too long. Pearl and I talked to two elven brothers called Xornoth and Scott. Scott had cyan hair and Xornoth purple. They said they were from Rivendell. I've never been to Rivendell. My mother always said it was too difficult because of the location and the weather. But I think it's because my father just doesn't like Rivendells ruler. He was always difficult to make deals with according to my parents.

I glanced at Gem, Pearl and queen Crystalline and I could see them all discussing something and glancing at the main door.

Then Gem walked away. Scott excused himself to talk to one of the fish-siblings and Xornoth saw a boy with some colourful wings and walked over to him. Great now I'm alone.

I went over to Pearl to see what was happening. "What's Gem doing?" I asked her. Side eyeing Gem. Gem was sitting behind a wall, so the others couldn't see her and was meditating. This wasn't weird in itself. Gem frequently meditates. But in the middle of something so important like this ? Never. She's way too big of a perfectionist to do that.

"She's trying to locate Fwhip" Pearl answered. How would she locate him ? I've heard only people with a powerful bond could do that. You usually have to be connected by blood. Not even loving one could be that powerful most of the time. Except if you're really skilled in magic. But the bond usually still has to exist.

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