Chapter 6 - Oh yes people (pt.1)

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Sausages pov:

The cafeteria wasn't crowded. And I'm not even kidding when I say that. There were only some people here and there. Most of the tables were still free. Some of the faces were familiar from the morning. Most of them I've never seen before though. I can't wait to get to know all of them. I looked towards Fwhip. Does he always have the same expression? He almost never seems happy. Except when he laughs of course. But that's only happened when we were alone. He's now covering his head with my hoodie. He does look cute. But now I can't see his beautiful hair. Wait Sausage. What are you thinking. You just met him. Actually. There's nothing wrong with calling someone cute. It's just an observation.

We started searching for a table. Surprisingly it's pretty hard to find a table if there are so many options. We couldn't decide which one's the best. Pearl then pointed one out. A boy was sitting there already. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He was also wearing a black-blue jacket. I remember him from earlier. So he's from his our grade then. This means we'll spend a lot of time all together. Probably best to get to know him then.

"Mind if we sit here ?" I asked him pointing at the rest of our tiny group. „We met at the welcome speech thingy. We thought it's best to get to know each other then" I smiled

He looked up from his phone. He looked visibly upset. Then he smiled "No, not at all" he said. Then turned back to his phone. It looked like he was chatting with someone. He didn't continue to do so for long though. Since he pocketed his phone rather quickly after we approached him. Now I feel bad. But he was frowning so maybe it wasn't that bad ? And we gave him an excuse to leave a draining conversation?

"So who are you guys ?" He asked us right after putting his phone aside. His voice was full of interest. He seems like a nice guy.

"I'm Sausage Myth from Mythland" I said, then I pointed at Pearl

"I'm Pearlescent Moon from Gilded Helianthia. But please call me Pearl" the brown haired girl smiled. She nodded at Gem

"I'm Gemini Tay of the Crystal Cliffs. But I think you know that already since I was on the stage with my mother in the morning. Also my friends call me Gem" she said enthusiastically.

"I'm Fwhip Grimm from the Grimlands" Fwhip mumbled. He looked kinda uncomfortable. He was shifting around on his seat and avoided making eye contact. While also pulling on the strings of his hoodie to cover his face more.

The boy sitting at the table raised his eyebrow. "So you're the guy no one has ever seen around ?" The boy asked him. His tone full of curiosity this time.

Fwhip nodded. He looked like he didn't want to be here. Poor Fwhip. How can one be so introverted? I mean I guess since he grew up with King Steven. His childhood must've been horrible.

Just as the new boy wanted to say something else I interrupted him "so what's your name ?" I asked as if I had no idea he had wanted to say something else. I have to try and make Fwhip less uncomfortable. It's his first time around other royals.

"Oh yes, sorry, how rude of me. I'm Pixl Riffs from Pixandria, the Copper Kingdom" Pixl said

"Hello Pixl!" Gem Said. "Nice to meet you!" She added. Her voice cheery as always. It's almost like she's a bird. Chirping all the time. It's funny to see how extroverted Gem is and how introverted Fwhip seems to be. Twins can be so different.

"Oh please call me Pix" he said smiling.

Then it was quiet again. The students now came rushing in. Everyone was probably hungry from the trip here, as there were royals from far away kingdoms here as well. Many new faces turned up. It's weird to see how many students there are. The school just opened and it's already so full.

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