Chapter 1 - Packing

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Sausage pov:

I was jumping around the room. Unable to concentrate on what to pack in my large suitcase, which was on the floor. Could you blame me? I was excited. Of course I was. Finally a school. The Crystal Cliffs queen, Crystalline, had been talking about the build of a new school ever since the old one was caught in the crossfire of a war. Was it a war ? Hard to say when the one sending the attacks is the king who has decided to invade basically every kingdom on this planet. With not many of them seriously fighting back.

The king of the Grimlands attacked the Cod village back then. Luckily the royals of the Cod empire live in the Ocean empires palace. Thus they were not harmed, but the school in Mythland was. Which caused Mythland to build a wall around the main town to protect themselves.

Now I was happy to be back with people after almost 7 years. Pearl always says I'm an extrovert. I guess she's right. I've really missed interacting with royals of my age. Well of course I got Pearl and Gem. But that doesn't count. They're my childhood friends. And I will form alliances with them in the future. But I need to get to know other neighbouring rulers as well. At least the soon to be rulers. 

I looked around my room. My dog was sitting next to my suitcase and nudging my foot while holding a pamphlet in her mouth. I took it and read. „welcome to Crystal Cliffs academy". It was the pamphlet that came with the welcome letter of the school. Queen Crystalline sent it to every royal.

"Yes Bubbles girl. Im gonna be with the other emperors kids now! Im gonna make friends and possibly even alliances for the empire in the future." I said while rubbing her head. She looked happy getting so many head scratches from me. I wonder how I'll survive the time without her. I didn't even hear the door open until a voice started talking to me.

"And to do that you need to pack your bag first" the voice was calm and nice so I turned around and was met by Pearl standing at the doorway leaning against the doorframe and the wall.

"Pearl! How are you!" I immediately said hugging her. I haven't seen her for like, what ? 2 weeks ? But now I'll see her every day.

"Hello Sausage, mate, I'm good! I see you are excited for school ?" Pearl said sitting down and helping me put the clothes into the suitcase correctly. She's like a mom. But only if Gem isn't here. She only acts like the mom-friend when there isn't a more responsible person around her.

"Well yes! Imagine If we get to share a dorm!" I said excited. The dorms were introduced by queen Crystalline of the Crystal Cliffs. The queen has said that every student was going to be assigned a dorm with up to 4 people in it. Two would be sharing a room each. I can't wait to finally be in a school with other royals my age and also sleep there for most of the week. This is going to be amazing

"I don't think that will happen" Pearl said 

"Why not?" I told Her with my typical puppy dog eyes. I've learned a lot from Bubbles. She immediately started laughing

"I mean the possibility of that happening is pretty low. But we should be paired. Childhood friends and all. That's how it should be. Maybe if we ask real nice-" She continued laughing. I joined in.

"You think we will see Gem there ?" I asked her.  While I lay down on the bed.

"I do hope so!" She said enthusiastically. Still putting my clothes into the luggage mind you. I laughed. Pearl is way to obvious. I don't know how Gem still hasn't noticed that Pearl wasn't just being a good friend. She was mostly flirting with her

"You think you will meet someone ?" She asked me putting a pile of shirts into the suitcase. Looking at them weirdly before putting them in.

I shrugged. Who knows what the future may hold ?

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