Chapter 3 - Dorms

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Fwhips pov:

"So now that everyone is here." My witch of a mother said looking over the students, but stopping to look right at Me. She smiled a soft smile. I just turned away. What else could I do ? Smile back to the person that left me ? Left me with the tyrant I call father ? No. She left me for magic. I hate magic. Even if it's fascinating. It's a scientifically unexplainable phenomenon. How does it work ? Since when does it exist ? Where did it come from ? No Fwhip. You hate magic. It's the reason your family is so messed up.

" -now about the dorms" she continued. I think I missed half of that speech. Oops. Looks like I zoned out. I shook my head. Sausage started looking my way now. Sausage is. I don't know how to describe it. Not normal ? He came up to me even though no one else would have done so. Not only that. But he's the child of the Myth family. My fathers biggest enemies. I really don't know what beef he's got with Mythland. But he really hates them. And vice versa. But why did Sausage come up to me ? Maybe he doesn't know the history of our countries. But how wouldn't he ?  Everyone knows about it.

"So first off all we would like to keep it organised. That means we will call someone up and tell them where to go. The groups that will be formed that way will be your roommates" She looked at the list Gem was holding in her hands "Elizabeth Shadow-Solidarity" she called out and pointed towards one side of the room. "Please go over there". I saw the pink haired fish hybrid, whatever she was, walk towards that place.

"Scott and Xornoth Major. To the middle please. Fwhip Grimm and Gemini Tay to the right corner of the room"

Gem smiled at me from the stage and started hopping to that side. Something tells me she has something to do with this. I gave Sausage one last glance before I turned around and left. He smiled at me. He was a bit weird. He was all chirpy. Not someone I would ever meet in my kingdom. Or anywhere really. People don't tend to be that nice of the kid of a war-starter.

Gem met me half way. She nudged my shoulder and that made me trip. Come on Gem. Did you have to ? I had a bottle of night vision with me. No specific reason for it. Just to be able to see something when sneaking around the castle. I know this may seem bad but I swear I didn't plan on doing something bad. When can someone like me, the kid of the most hated emperor on this planet, ever have time to look around without getting weird glances otherwise ? But that dream of mine is down the drain now. The potion fell down and spilled on the ground. Luckily not many people noticed. It was a plastic bottle so there was no sound. The ones that did notice did nothing but laugh a little. Mom didn't notice. We quickly walked to the place we had to be at and Gem tried cleaning the floor with magic from here. It only made a bigger mess...

"So next please Pixl Riffs to the middle right. Yes right next to the Elven twins. Oh careful looks like someone spilled some kind of liquid" The queen said holding the list herself now that Gem was gone.

Everyone chuckled. And some of those who noticed it was us even looked at me. Saying I felt uncomfortable would have been an understatement. I felt like I wanted a giant floor monster to drill a hole under my feet and for it to eat me up whole. She didn't notice it was me, did she ?

"Kathrine Blossom. Please go to princess Elizabeth of the Ocean empire."

I zoned out from that moment onward. That was until I heard a familiar name being called.

"Sausage Myth please go to Gemini Tay and Fwhip Grimm." I knew most names in that sentence. I don't know if that's a good sign or not. But from all the three names one stung out the most. It was Sausage. Not cause it's a weird name, it just had something to it. Something that I couldn't place. Probably because he's the new person. I know myself and Gem. I don't know that well Sausage yet.

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