Chapter 5 - the bully-squad

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Sausage pov:

I heard the door open. This made me look up, like any normal person would do. There stood Fwhip in the doorway. In a teal hoodie. My teal hoodie to be specific.

The hoodie was a bit too big on him and the pants a bit baggy. But it suited him. He looks even smaller than he was. It was cute. Really cute. He could be swallowed by all my other clothes. I gave him a hoodie that is way too small for me. Pearl packed it accidentally. In fact I actually meant to get rid of it. But now it's with me here. And I'm so glad it is.

"You look so small~" I said teasingly. Still looking him up and down. I might just bring him some more clothes next time we go to our empires. I want to see him in my clothes more often. I'm not even kidding when I say they look better on Fwhip than they do on me.

"I'm not small. I'm 6'. You're the one that's almost 7' tall" he said crossing his arms. I laughed at him. I hope he isn't seriously upset. 6' is the average size. So yea I would be the giant. But Pearl is way smaller. 5'11 is tiny.

"Ok that's a good argument" I said putting my hands up in defeat. He chuckled and leaned against the doorframe. How can one be so cute ? He did look a bit uncomfortable here and there. But he looked genuinely happy when he laughed.

"So wanna go meet the other kids now ? Or would you rather do that tomorrow?" I asked him. Being the social butterfly I am. Of course this was just to tease him. Most of the others will probably be organising all their belongings and getting ready for dinner.

"I don't wanna meet new people" he started complaining, throwing himself against the door frame. I laughed. He started looking at the ground with a dramatic expression. Making a face that screams "fake crying" he was just pouting. It was cute though. What an idiot.

"But you need to!" Gem suddenly said behind him. Where did she come from? Why did she appear now ? Please tell me she can't read minds. She's a wizard ? Can she read minds ? No. Couldn't be. I should ask her sometime. Just to make sure...

Fwhip jumped and ran towards me. He hid behind my shoulder before he exhaled. I laughed at him. I didn't have a problem with it. Not at all. I found it adorable. For him to actually hide behind me is amazing. I wanna be able to protect him more often. Even if it is from his own sister.

"Stop laughing. It wasn't so funny" I heard the ginger say from behind me. He leaned his head on my shoulder. Looking at his twin. Now I felt that on my shoulder. I didn't think the prince of Grimland. The son of king Steven. Would ever trust me that much. Being honest,  my parents didn't want me near him. But even though we've met 3 hours ago. I can't imagine being apart from him for long. I want him by my side. Just like Pearl and Gem.

"Pearl look at that!" Gem screamed to get Pearls attention. The brunette came running into the room and her eyes started sparkling when she saw us. The sparkles in her eyes were almost the same color as her golden wings. How did she manage that ? Pearl really is a big mystery. Gem was wearing a shirt with some gems on it and some long black pants.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my phone. Fwhip was watching what I was doing. He moved his head so his chin was now on my shoulder to do so. I was literally only playing a stupid game from an add. I hate it when I'm doing something and an add tells me to play it. It's too tempting

"Click" I heard. I rolled my eyes again looking up for a short time seeing pearl smirk at her phone and Gem looking at what she was writing. Pearl was wearing a green jumpsuit with a flower in her hair. A sunflower to be exact. She's got a thing for sunflowers I'm telling you. Her wings were tucked nicely behind her back. I wish I had wings. Flying seems so fun.

"Ding" now that was my phone. Fwhip leaned over my shoulder and tapped on the notification and there was the picture that Pearl just took.

"I look good in that shirt, might I say so myself" I said showing Fwhip the picture. He looked at it. "Hmm I think I look a lot better" he said smirking. I rolled my eyes. He does look really good.

"So what do we wanna do now ?" I asked the group. Fwhip stood up from behind me and sat down on my bed next to me this time. He then took my phone and tried to unlock it. I just unlocked it and gave it to him. I don't really care about what he does on my phone. Maybe he'll even leave his number. That would be amazing. I should ask him for his number. As his roommate I should be able to contact him. Right ? Nothing weird about wanting his number. For roommate purposes. Yea.

"We could go to the cafeteria? Like we need to eat food anyways so why not be there earlier than the rest ?" Gem told us. Pearl shrugged. I looked at Fwhip and he just looked at me in response. It's hard not to look him straight in the eyes. It's just something that makes me not look away. "Sure" I said, pulling myself out of the trance, and Fwhip nodded, looking at the ground. I just hope Pearl and Gem didn't notice us staring.

"Let's get some food! I'm starving! What's for dinner ?" I started exaggerating to deviate from Fwhip and I . Fwhip laughed and handed me my phone back. I should check for his number later.

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Another chapter finished. Hope yall are enjoying this rewritten book. This chapter was rather short compared to the rest. Also next chapter we'll meet the gang again. Woooo.

Also yes the bully-squad refers to (mostly) Pearl and Gem.

Also ima try something new: don't forget to like this chapter and follow this story so you'll be notified when it updates.

Words: 1080

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