Chapter 4 - G'day roomies

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WARNING: mention of needles and slight gore. Not too bad I think. But for everyone who doesn't like that I put a warning at the Start and end so you can read the rest without having to skip the whole chapter

Fwhips pov:

The first thing we heard as we entered our dorm was the sentence, you guessed it, "We already chose our room." If you expected a „welcome in" you were wrong. That wonderful welcome was of course given by none other than the brown haired girl. She was sitting on a couch in the middle of the room holding her phone in her hand while looking at us.

I looked around. There were three doors. One must be the bathroom. The other two are probably the actual sleeping rooms. Mom-.... The queen... did say there were groups of a maximum of four people in a dorm and two had to share a room each. So will I share a room with Gem ? It would be the only logical way. She's my twin and literally the only one I know here. Before I could think more about it or even ask someone answered my quiet question.

"You guys have to share" Gem told me matter of factly. While walking out of her room. Her hands full of bags. She then smirked at me (an evil grin) and walked into the presumable bathroom.

"What ? Can't we just share, Gem ? Why put me with someone I don't even know" I pouted. First I need to go to some school and meet people. Well I wanted that. I wanted to get away from my father. But that aside. Now I need to share a room with someone ? How unfair. I've shared a room with Gem before. Well. I mean when we were little. Even though our house, Or rather palace, was enormous. What else can you expect from the royal family of the Grimlands ? We still shared a room. Why ? Your guess is as good as mine.

Sausage just shrugged and went to his- our room. Saying he was going to get settled in. Well ok. No complaining? no nothing ? Didn't he want to share a room with Pearl ? Aren't they best friends?

I just stared. Pearl and Gem giggled. What were they giggling at ? I'm gonna ruin their fun. If it's the last thing I do. Revenge is best served hot.

"Fine. But no sleepovers at my room!" I said annoyed. Knowing damn well what I was saying. I know my sister. She will take any chance she gets to annoy me and keep me from sleeping or doing anything productive that is. And she especially loves it to just be next to me. Idk why. She's a really clingy sibling. It's as if she loved me. Bah.

Gem looked at me annoyed. "Hey. Am I not allowed to go to my brothers room and chill with a sleepover ?" She told me trying to sound dramatic.

"Also im pretty sure Sausage would have nothing against us going to your guys's room" Pearl pointed out nonchalantly.

I rolled my eyes at her. She threw a pillow at me. Where did that pillow come from ?? I threw it back at her. I don't have the mental energy to have a pillowfight now. I wanna curl up in bed. Yea I'm an introvert what did you expect ? I spent enough time socialising today. Need to refill that energy now.

"I'm going to get settled in as well." I told them looking around for my bag. I wanted to take it to my room but it was already gone. Where's my bag ?!

I rushed into mine and sausages room to ask him where he put it. The door was also spruce. Mental note to myself: ask Gem what kind of obsession she and mom have with spruce.

"Sausage! Do you know where my bag is" I said panicked. He was putting some clothes into a drawer and looked at me. Then he pointed towards the bed on the other side of the room. There was my bag.

"I hope you don't mind me choosing a bed first" he told me. I shook my head. Why would I ? It's just a bed. In a room. A pretty bland looking room.

He nodded smiled and continued to put his clothes into the drawer.

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