Chapter One

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!Only read if you want slight spoilers!

High Lord of Eclipse Court: Syrephael (Sir-rifle)
Age: 1,500
Race: Half Illyrian Half Seraphim (Has Black Feathered Wings)
Markings: Covered in symbolic tattoos
Abilities: Transform into a 'monster', Is a Daemati, Winnowing, Darkness manipulation, Glamouring, Cursed Energy, Hollow Purple, 'Blue'

Embassy of the Eclipse court: Merellien Urilynn (Mur-e-Lee-in)
Age: 727
Race: Fae
Abilities: Heavenly Eye, Emptiness, Six Paths, Five Rings: Kurikara Divine Blade, Avalon

High Lady of Full Moon Court: Aruna (Aru-nuh)
Age: 312
Race: Half Seraphim Half Faerie
Abilities: Her hair glows as starlight, gravity pull/push, can also control water, Starlight itself can be manipulated by her for healing, Is a Daemati, Glamouring, Object transformation/projection, Winnowing

High Lord of Dawn Court: Thesan (The-sin)
Age: 500+
Race: High Faery
Abilities: Winnowing and Healing

High Lord of Day Court: Helion (He-lee-in)
Age: 500+
Race: High Faery
Abilities: Air Manipulation, Light Generation, Curse Breaking, Shape-shifting, and Winnowing

High Lord of Winter Court: Kallias (Kal-lee-is)
Age: 500+
Race: High Faery
Abilities: Ice Manipulation and Winnowing

High Lord of Autumn Court: Beron (Bear-n)
Age: 500+
Race: High Faery
Abilities: Fire Manipulation and Winnowing

High Lord of Summer Court: Tarquin (Tar-quinn)
Age: 83
Race: High Faery
Abilities: Water Manipulation and Winnowing

High Lord of Spring Court: Tamlin (Tam-lin)
Age: 510
Race: High Faery
Abilities: Shapeshifting, Winnowing, Glamouring and Air Manipulation

The Shadowsinger/Spymaster/Carynthian: Azriel (Az-re-l)
Age: 540
Race: Illyrian
Abilities: Shadow manipulation, Masking, Flight via wings, Siphon Powers, Teleporting

Lord of Bloodshed/Prince of Bastards/Warrior-Heart: Cassian (Cass-e-in)
Age: 540
Race: Illyrian
Abilities: Flight, Siphon Powers, Illyrian magic

Lord of Foxes: Lucian (Lu-see-in)
Age: Less than 500
Race: High Faery
Abilities: Fire Manipulation, Winnowing, Healing, Spell-Cleaving, Light generation, Air Manipulation

Second of the Moon Court: Amren (Am-r-in)
Age: 15,000 years
Race: High Faery and Angel of Death
Abilities: Unknown

The Morrigan/Truth Speaker/Third of the Moon Court: Mor (More)
Age: 538
Race: High Faery
Abilities: Winnowing, Truth, and Healing

Thinking about it in perspective, it was meant to be a normal day. Filled with my normal day to day activities. Seeing my friends, going into the city, reading a few books, but something in the cauldron had different plans for me today. Although, most don't live in the Moon Palace. Don't breathe the fresh air of the morning dew, But I realized today was the day I had reserved for other things. As I rose from my bed, walking over to the opened section of my bedroom to look out at the moon and star filled sky, My father was dead. The acceptance I never thought I would have to think about. He was gone. There was no one in his bed across the hall. No one in his study filled with his books that he read to me countless times before. No one is left in this castle now, But Me.

I would be facing the other high lords soon. If any of them would respond to the letters I had sent out, to see if they were willing to meet. Thinking of it made me sick to my stomach, how could I fill my fathers shoes? The responsibilities he had, the people he had cared for, the kingdom he looked after was now, Left for me to take care of. Nausea riled in the pit of my stomach. It all changed so suddenly. He had never taught me how to rule, I was never supposed to do this, not so soon. But my people needed me, needed someone to help them with their problem. And it was now my responsibility. They looked to me as their savior. I was now their High Lady.

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