Chapter Thirteen

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My heart was racing, beating so loud I could feel it in my ears. Syrepheal was here.. did he hear me..? "Syrepheal.." He still had a hold on Tamlins wrist as Tamlin too seemed shocked at the sight of him. Syrepheal's eyes glanced at Lucian on the ground before shooting to Tamlin. His eyes were red, and the heavy.. The almost humid feeling through the air was thick, but it wasn't hard to breathe like it was the first time I met him. He was practically staring a hole into Tamlin. "Explain before I kill him." Shit. Tamlin too seemed scared shitless as he let go of my other arm as the bandages were soaked with my blood, along with his hand as he attempted to pull away from Syrepheal's grip, but failing. "H-He gave me Fae bane when I got here.. I think because I didn't sleep it didn't activate as it should have but because I used my powers to heal the wall it crept up and took my powers while I was still awake." Syrepheal didn't move, he didn't even budge as Tamlin attempted to pull away again.

Lucian's body began to move again, but only slowly. Like he was in slow motion. I only looked at Syrepheal. "When I was going to heal one of the walls, a Bogge came, but because of some things I've read about I wanted to test something out." Syrepheal slightly shook his head before slightly looking at me, "Let me see." I knew what he was asking. I knew what he wanted. "Let your wall down and let me see." I took short breaths as I tried to focus, I didn't have my normal powers but.. I could still feel my wall.. it was still up. I had forgotten about keeping up but.. I guess I was focusing on it more than I thought I was. I concentrated more as I let it fall. Syrepheal looked at me for a moment, his head slowly.. almost like a snake turned towards Tamlin as I felt his claws on my mind appear and disappear within seconds and when they disappeared.. The sense in the room only thickened. "You're dead." He twisted Tamlins arm and spun around and threw him out of the window before winnowing out of the window after him. I flinched as the heaving feeling in the air went with him and Lucian gasped for a breath. I looked at the window for a moment before rushing to Lucian's side, "Are you okay?" He stood, stumbling a bit but I caught him before he began to try to walk to the window, "We need to stop him. He's going to kill him. Aruna.." I knew. Even with everything.. gods.. I wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we quickly went down the stairs and pushed through the front doors to where we could now see Syrepheal walking after a Tamlin trying to gain his feet back under him. "Syrepheal!" Lucian called out but still recovering from whatever Tamlin had done, left his voice more muted than I think he intended.

As we got closer Lucian began to gain his strength back, as we were now within steps distance he lunged for Syrepheal before he grabbed onto Tamlin, now struggling with him. "Syrepheal please" though, with Lucian's body, it seemed like it didn't have any hold on him. Syrepheal was walking like nothing was holding him back at all. Tamlin had gotten onto his feet and was beginning to back away with his hands out, His hands that still had my blood on them, "I didn't mean-" "Dead." Syrepheal's words dripped with rage. All for what he had done to his friend.. the lucian and.. to me? I didn't know what to do, would killing Tamlin have consequences? Of course they would, he was a high lord. The other high lords already thought badly of Syrepheal.. I don't think this would help at all and.. the people of the court would have no leader.. regardless if Tamlin was a good hearted one or not, he still ruled the lands. It kept together as best it could because of him. "Syrepheal.." I moved to go towards him when a familiar noise rang through my ears. Wings.. wings? I turned my head to see red and blue lights glinting fast towards us from the sky. And as they got closer.. it was Cassian.. Azriel? As I realized it was them, they were already on the ground now infront of Syrepheal, pushing him back. Syrepheal now stared at them both, Lucian slumped over also standing in between him and Tamlin. "Syre. You know this isn't right." No words, just the feeling in the air heeded his response.

Whether it was the right thing to do or not.. I'm not sure he cared. He winnowed around them, now punching Tamlin directly in the jaw, he fell to the ground as Syrepheal stepped on his leg and a loud snapping sound rang out. All happened in a blink of an eye and Cassian shifted and grabbed Syrepheal's arms and pulled him off, attempting to put him in a headlock, "Syre! You need to calm down-" Tamlin roared as his leg snapped back into place, his eyes glowing green as he shifted into his wolf form and Azriel, his shadows spreading along his arms, looked to Tamlin with a warning look. Tamlin heeded the warning and didn't move but stayed growling in Syrepheal's direction. Though I could see, even in wolf form, blood dripped from his snout. Syrepheal's head tilted back, "The dog wishes to play?" A dark smirk spread along his lips. Lucian attempted to grab Syrepheal's other arm but he winnowed again, and as he appeared, he slammed into Tamlins side, causing him to fly a short distance before hitting a tree, causing it to break and fall with one swift motion. "Come on!" His voice bombed in his direction as he began to walk to Tamlin. Lucian yelled out, "Syrepheal please!" As he went to reach for him, Syrepheal's eyes only brightened in their red color and Lucian seemed to get hit.. a cut appearing on his cheek as he got into close proximity to Syrepheal.. his eyes.. dimmed. Syrepheal was upset.. really upset. But he still cared for his friends. I now tried to catch up to the distance they were creating. I don't have anything to stop Syrepheal, nothing inside of me that I could feel but.. All I could do was try. Cassian got in the way of Syrepheal and Tamlin, his wings spread to try to block the sight of Tamlin behind him to Syrepheal. "Move." Cassian looked at him with a serious expression, his wings still spread, "You know I can't do that." Syrepheal rammed straight into Cassian, his wings curled at the impact as he grabbed onto Syrepheal tightly, if he winnowed, Cassian would go with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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