Chapter Eleven

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I could feel warmth.. Something around me.. My hands searched for what it was before my eyes opened.. A blanket..? As my eyes opened I could see the view from outside of the window I was just next to. The snow.. The subtle sunlight peeking through the clouds in the sky.. I slowly tilted my head as I heard something shift near me and I turned my head. Syrepheal.. He laid on the couch.. I looked at him for a moment.. I slowly walked closer to the side of the couch and knelt down beside him, my head falling to the side slightly.

 I slowly walked closer to the side of the couch and knelt down beside him, my head falling to the side slightly

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My eyes softened as I looked at his body, he seemed less monster like then everyone else said of him.. he looked so peaceful. I slowly raised my hand to move a small piece of hair out of his face, his breath heated my hand as it passed over his mouth. He had to have been so exhausted.. I know I was. But my job wasn't done yet. We still needed to get him back to his home. I slowly stood up and I grabbed the blanket I was once over in and laid it across his body.. he was definitely the size of Azriel and Cassian.. I forget my size is so much different from others.. though I think I'll feel better when I see Amren again.

A smile pulled along my lips as I let go of the blanket, he shifted into the blanket slightly before settling still once more. I smiled down at him softly before I put my hair into the hood of the cloak, making sure that most of the white and my ears were hidden as I opened the door and could see the line that was still present within the trees. He had... cut them with such power.. the trees still stood, even though they were completely disconnected. I took a soft breath before leaving and closing the cabin door behind me. I looked around slightly as I went to the tree line, softly placing my hand along one of the tree trunks, I could feel the life that was disconnected at its roots, the cut that had gone through it. I looked around, it seemed the mortal's didn't rise up as the sun, though. I never had before either. My fingertips turned white as I slowly walked around the tree, tracing the outline of the cut. Healing it. Connecting it within itself once more. Every tree. I healed every tree, making sure I wasn't seen, carefully placing each ounce of magic.. Though.. I knew I had to save my magic for an important mission.. To get Syrepheal back to his home.

I wondered what would happen then.. I have found out why what happened to Kaegdazar.. Happened.. I feel different than I had when I left my home only a few days ago.. But I wouldn't take anything back that I had done. No. I would treasure it for the rest of my life. "Aruna..? What are you doing?" I finished healing the last tree as I turned my head, seeing Cassian's head peeking from a shed, I tilted my head at him and I realized, "Oh shoot.. Sorry Cassian.." My eyes glinted as a glamor went over his wings so that no one other than fae could see them, He nodded a bit before walking out towards me. "I was just.. Healing the trees.." I mentioned my hand to the truck I just finished mending and he looked at it softly before looking back at me, "Did you... get the chance to talk to Syrepheal..? I don't remember anything after I.." I pinched the bridge of my nose, I've never pushed my powers so hard before, though, I wasn't going to let up. I needed to keep up what we were doing. And being the High Lady of the Moon court, my abilities would only be needed more. This was... good practice for me. Cassian put his hand on my shoulder with a gentle touch, "We did. We told him about his father." My heart ached, my hands slowly forming a small ball as I held it over my heart, he shook his head slightly, "He's.. he'll be alright. Syrepheal is always okay after he's had time to think things over. And from the way he's slept.. I'd say he'll be ready to head out after nightfall." I nodded slowly at his words, as I saw Azriel from the corner of my eye and a glamor spread over his wings so that he could come out. I looked at him with a soft expression, "You have done a great favor, Aruna." Azriel was more.. Serious than normal.. And that was surprising since he's always serious, but I shook my head, "You two are the reason why it could've happened in the first place.. I'm just.. Glad to know that you all will be together again. And that I have some pretty cool friends in the Eclipse court." I nudged them both and they smiled at me, Cassian's eyes lingered for a moment, "You're coming with us to the Eclipse court first though.. Right?" I looked at him softly, "I need to go help Lucian. Let him know that Syrepheal is safe. You all can fly back home fast can't you? Better than carrying me the whole way again." His eyes shifted and turned to Azriel before looking back, "I thought you were coming back to see the city..?" My head tilted at the change in his tone, "Cassian.. I will. If that's.. Something Syrepheal is okay with. It's not my place just to show up expecting things from his after.. All that's happened.." The wind shifted, catching their wings a bit, "I have my own questions I wanted to ask you, Snowy." That voice.

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