Chapter Six

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I watched them walk away and disappear behind the door. Finally, I walked to Cassian and Azriel and looked at them softly, "You guys tend to stare a lot, you know that?" A smile pulled along my lips as Cassian shook his head a bit, "It's.. her dress." He gestured to my body as I looked down at the fabric softly, I didn't think about it, how seeing a dress of their friends dead mother.. my face instantly fell, "I-I'm sorry...I didn't think about how insensitive this was I'll-" Azriels hand landed on my shoulder with a soft touch, he shook his head slightly, "It's not that. You just...Though with the white hair, you look like her." He smiled as Cassian nodded in agreement, I followed as they began to walk out of the room, now going to the back area of the house. "His mother was a strong woman. Illyrian women as well. Though she was as much of a hardass as Azriel" He smiled as Azriel rolled us eyes a bit, "His mother was kind. After...we found Azriel, she took him in, let him stay at their home. Not the castle, but a home away from this, one that his mother wanted specifically away from this place for Syrepheal. To get away from it whenever he needed. She was like all of our mothers.." Cassian looked at Azriel as he was looking at the ground. I watched both of their expressions, to think that Tamlin had killed her, maybe he knew the repercussions, the pain he caused. Though he got it thrown back at him ten fold, my heart breaks for them. As we got closer to the back doors, Cassian stretched and flapped his wings hard, enough to push the doors open so we could go through. "I'm sorry. I know that there's nothing that I could've done to change it, but I'm sorry for your loss. For everything that came before." I looked at them both, meaning every word. They seemed to know I meant it too. As we walked down the few steps, now back outside in the humid heat, the smell came across my nose again. I covered my mouth and nose with my hand, bunching the fabric loose on the sleeves and using it to keep the smell out of my nose and the taste from my mouth. Walking in silence for a moment, we got just about far enough to where we could see the castle anymore and I looked at the sight infront of us. "So...this is what you meant by lingering souls.."

As the area infront of us became clear, both Cassian and Azriel's wings tucked against themselves

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As the area infront of us became clear, both Cassian and Azriel's wings tucked against themselves. "If any of them grab my wings.." Cassian started as I touched his arm softly, he looked at me. "Just stay close." I smiled at him softly as I moved my hair, now putting it infront of my shoulders and behind me. I moved Cassian infront of me, "You'll have to lead. To keep you closest to my light, one of you needs to be infront of me while the other is behind me. My light I can project a little further but we need to walk slowly, and you'll have to tuck your wings in as much as you can." Cassian nodded as he stood infront of me, slightly reaching his hand back as I held it, I reached my hand back as Azriel got close behind me and grabbed my arm. I took a deep breath as I bowed my head slightly, "Alright let's go."

I kept my head down, my eyes glowing under my eyelids as the light from my hair amplified, now shining just a bit past both Azriel and Cassian. As we began to walk, the sounds that were coming from the souls began to become clear. Unnerving. Heavy. And cold. Though the atmosphere outside was so hot, the lingering...chill the souls were giving off was enough to make me shiver. Every step led us closer to the door, and closer to the souls around. Now would be the test. I took a deep breath, opening my eyes as the light from them too shines around us and the souls that were reaching, moaning, wanting...backed away. Every bit the light touched, they hissed away. Ran away. Crawled away. Though, it didn't stop them from being as close as they could to the light's borders. I was watching it too, to make sure no part of us were going outside of it, watching Cassian's feet step just within it, and monitoring Azriel's wings that were almost so against him, they looked flat.

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