Chapter Eight

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I watched as the sun rose, my eyes drooping as soon as the light from the sun washed over my skin, I turned around and my eyes glowed. Both Cassian and Azriel's glamored bodies coming back, though both still sleeping, a soft knock at the door was heard and I dropped the sound barrier as I went and opened the door. A dark almost.. Wood skinned women stood at the door, looking at me as I opened the door.

 Wood skinned women stood at the door, looking at me as I opened the door

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"Goodmorning, Miss.. I was told to come and dress you for an outing with the high lord." She peered down at my dress and tilted her head, "Did you not sleep miss? Was the bed not-'' She glanced into the room to see my two guards sleep and she raised her brow, "Men taking up all the space then." I couldn't help but smile and nodded a bit, "They work hard. Though they sleep harder." She slowly smiled at my words, I opened the door fully before stepping out, looking at them both slightly as a note appeared on Azriel's chest, explaining where I was going, just in case they woke up before I came back. I closed the door behind me as I looked at her, raising my hand to her slightly, "My name is Aruna." She looked at my hand softly, gently taking my hand and bowing her head, "Yes.. the high lady of the Moon court. It's a blessing to be in your presence.." I put my hand softly on her shoulder as she looked up at me, I smiled at her, "It's a blessing to meet you too, Alis." a smile pulled along her lips, "Well right this way, miss.." She began to walk as I followed behind her, only walking to the room next to the one we had left from, though this one was full of different fabrics, mannequins, and different materials for making clothes. She held the door open as I walked past her and she walked in and closed the door behind me. "Please, if you could just stand on that little podium there.. I'll take some measurements for you. I could have some things already in your size." I nodded, following her instruction as I picked up the loose fabric of my dress and stepped up onto the podium then letting the dress fall past my feet once more. Alis looked at the intricate details of my dress glittering around in the sunlight that was pouring in through the window before she began to measure every part of me. My shoulders, my arms, my bust, my waist, and my too short fae legs. She noted everything before looking around the room. "I think I have some things in your size.. Though I will have to hem some of the pants.." She went around the room, grabbing different pieces of clothing. I now remembered that what I was wearing was a glamored piece of clothing from the Eclipse court. If I were to take this off, I would have to do it fast and transform it into something I could put within the outfit she would give me. I would make it work. As she came back with everything she put things down next to her, "Would you like my help you undo the dress miss?" I shook my head slightly before a bright wall formed in between me and her, I untied the dress and as it fell from my body, the true black fabric came through, I grabbed it and transformed it into a necklace and put it around my neck before I dropped the wall, now just showing in my thin undergarments. She looked at me with a.. Strange expression, not of amusement not of fear.. For what exactly I couldn't place, but she was definitely staring at the glow my body was giving off in the sunlight. I took the pieces of clothing she had laid out, put them on and laced the top of the shirt. It was a bit loose, but it would work. Putting the pants on and the serge of belts around my waist. She helped tie things I couldn't reach and hemmed the bottom of the indeed too long pants before finishing up and facing me towards the mirror, I tilted my head slightly as I looked at my body, the sunlight from the window shining on my skin.

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