Chapter Seven

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As we appeared, I held onto both Cassian and Azriel to make sure they didn't fall, both gaining their balance and I took the mask and veil off, letting them fall along my back and shoulders, "So we go to the Spring Court now?" Azriel rolled his shoulders, Cassian doing the same and I tilted my head a bit, "Um.. is there a problem? Isn't this what we were hoping for? Something we could do easily to get him back?" Cassian nodded a bit, "Yeah it's just.. Tamlin." He grunted, looking to the side and I remember why it was a bad position. Why Syrepheal had stayed hidden. Though, it didn't change what had to be done. "Then I can glamore you both, to get through? Or we could try to sneak through.. I just don't know how that would go with your wings. Unless we could fly over but then there comes the opening in the wall...unless we walked along it.. I could take a while to find the break in it.." I looked to the side but Azriel sighed a bit, "We can't fly over, if they see us, they'll be expecting an attack. Which Tamlin fully deserves.. But.. Glamoring.. You can do that?" I nodded my head slightly,

"Since Tamlin already knows what you look like I would have to change it, glamor your wings.. Maybe not fully.. Maybe just make them look like Seraphim ones..? That way it won't seem as suspicious. A high lady traveling with her guards?" Cassian and Azriel both looked at each other for a moment before looking back at me, "That could work. But why would you be traveling to his court? Why would you be looking for a hole in the wall?" Azriel was trying to prepare for any and all questions that could come up, which was needed. "I heard about the break in the wall, seeing them for obvious reasons. I am the newest of the rulers, I want to make sure everything is safe. When I found out that there was a break in the wall, I wanted to know why they were breaking. If I could help in any way."

My jaw tightened, "And if there could be an alliance between me and Tamlin's court. Make it seem.. Less suspicious because I am so new.. Trying to make peace with all the high lords?" He slowly nodded his head before looking back at me, "You are sure that your glamor will hold?" I looked to the side slightly before nodding, "I can hold a glamor. As long as you both are in the range of my magic, it will hold just as strong. And if you do fall out of my range for any reason, the glamor would only run out slowly, little by little instead of just completely unmasking you. Either way, I can make this happen. We can get this done." Cassian looked at Azriel, slightly shrugging his shoulders before Azriel looked back at me, "Guess you'll be the one dressing us now?" I smiled a bit before nodding. My eyes began to shift, the entirety changing to their radiating white as I raised my hand over Azriel's body, my fingertips glowing as small particles, shining light stars moved throughout the air attaching to him, I slowly raised my other hand, the same happening as more lights appeared in the space, spreading all along their bodies and wings. The entire space enveloping in bright light, I kept my eyes open as both Cassian and Azriel shielded their eyes slightly as the light attached to them and it dissipated as now white Seraphim wings spread along each of their backs. And they too looked different.

I covered my mouth slightly at the sight of the both of them, they looked at each other before looking very grossed out, I smiled a bit, "Well

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I covered my mouth slightly at the sight of the both of them, they looked at each other before looking very grossed out, I smiled a bit, "Well.. you guys definitely look like Seraphim warriors.." Cassian looked back at the wings and scuffed, "These things are.." His wings shifted, "This is weird..Feels like.. I'm covered in mud.." He looked at Azriel who was looking at his hands that were no longer scarred. I looked at the sorrow in his eyes softly before looking down at my clothes, my eyes flashing once more to change the black dress I was wearing into something more...Moon court style.

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