Chapter Ten

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Cassian practically jumped over the table in the center of the room to catch the woman with the white hair. She fell completely unconscious.. I narrowed my eyes on her. "What did she mean, she brought you here. Who is she and why the hell did you follow her here? You were supposed to stay in the city." My tone stayed firm.. Though Cassian didn't seem to pay attention as he lay the girl down on the couch next to the window, covering her with a blanket that was folded up on it before turning back to me. "You've missed out on a lot, Syrepheal." My friends.. My people. They were here. My eyes shifted to the woman again, the moonlight seemed to radiate off of her skin..

Azriel's eyes shifted to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, my eyes hardened looking at him, but his eyes

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Azriel's eyes shifted to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, my eyes hardened looking at him, but his eyes... there was pain in them. I tightened my jaw, "You can't be here." Though my voice was plain.. I had mastered hiding my true feelings for hundreds of years. Masking my pains. Snuffing out my true emotions. Though, These were my friends, so they got more than most ever would. Cassian shifted and looked at me, his expression almost mirroring Azriel's, "Syrepheal, why didn't you tell us about what your dad had planned?" I narrowed my eyes at his question, "I don't have to tell you anything I don't deem as necessary for you to know." I paused for a moment and my eyes opened slowly, "How.." I shook my head a bit, "How do you even know about my father's plan?" Cassian looked down at the girl slightly before Azriel's wings shifted, "She took us to the Suriel." I looked at him, "Impossible." Cassian shook his head, "It's true Syrepheal. This isn't really the time to bullshit, and out of the two of us Azriel is definitely not the one that would bullshit you anyways." Azriel's head shifted to look at the girl, "She wanted to help us find you. Because.." He paused as both Cassian and him looked at each other, now looking like they were piecing together what they were going to say. "Because what? You fell in love with her, Azriel?" I asked in an annoyed tone as he snapped his head to me, Cassian's wing shifted, making Azriel's expression soften as I looked at Cas. "Syrepheal.. It's.. about your father." I clenched my jaw, my eyes shifting to their red color, "What did the bastard do now?" Cassian again looked at Azriel before looking back at me, "Syrepheal.. He's dead." The beat of my heart stopped, dead stopped. Like I had dropped dead myself. I stared at him, I hated my father. But.. my father..? And then.. My wall slipped. I walked backwards as my feet hit against a chair as I slowly lowered myself into it, now grabbing the arm of it, it breaking in my grip. "Dead..?"

I looked at the both of them, they were serious, and my eyes darted to the girl, I fazed directly over her, "She did it? How." Darkness dripped from my fingers as I went to grab her, make her pay for what she had done to him. To.. before the darkness touched her Cassian grabbed me and shoved me away. My red eyes only darkened as he held his hands out infront of him, not a fighting position, but one he did when he had something to say. He was protecting her? The woman that killed my father? The one that brought my brothers, my friends out into the mortal world. For what? Azriel shifted on his feet just as Cassian pushed me away, "Syrepheal, it's not like that. Just listen. Please." pleading. They were.. Pleading? But they have never.. I clenched my jaw slowly putting my hands into my pockets, the darkness still lingering around my hands, "Speak." Impatience. I had none for the woman. I looked at her once more, She couldn't have been the reason my father was dead. She was so.. Tiny. The smallest fae I had ever seen. Almost the size of a half grown child. And yet.. Was she the cause? "Syrepheal, the day that you fought your father. The day that you threw him out of the window?" Cassian began, I looked at him and nodded slightly at what he was saying, an annoyed expression as he was speaking to me like I wasn't there for those things to know what took place. "Get to the point Cassian." He took a breath, seeming to be stuck on his words, Azriel stepped forward.

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