Chapter Two

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I wasn't sleeping anymore. The past week has been constant pleading, constant need, constant requests. I didn't have time to rest. At least that's what I had told myself. I was in the archive of my father's study, going over all of the different letters he's ever received, thousands and thousands of words were jumbling in my mind. So much information is now being organized in different sections of my mind. So many things that my father didn't tell me. Though I understood why he didn't. "I'm so sorry.." The words I found myself saying to him, though he couldn't hear me. He had been dealing with so much more than he ever let on. Being a high lord is something more complicated and hard than he made it seem. It was so easy for him, or at least that's how he made it look. I let out an exhausted sigh as I put the papers down that I was reading and threw my head into my hands. Holding my temples and rubbing the tiredness out of them.

I heard footsteps heading my way, I couldn't bring myself to look up at the door to see who it was, but by the snicker, I could take a guess. "Here to make fun of me, Amren?" I rolled my head onto my right hand to hold its weight as I looked to the door to see her leaning against the frame, a smirk perfectly painted across her face.

 "Here to make fun of me, Amren?" I rolled my head onto my right hand to hold its weight as I looked to the door to see her leaning against the frame, a smirk perfectly painted across her face

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"Never little moon bird. I just came to see how you were doing. If you want my assistance?" She pushed herself off of the doorframe to walk into the room, moving her hand along the wall causing the faelights around the room to flicker on, my eyes narrowing at the sudden change, she hissed slightly as she looked at me, "Birdie, how long have you been in here?" She looked at all of the books and papers I had stacked everywhere around me, I tilted my head at her question before turning my head to look out of the tall, stained glass window behind me to see the moon in the sky in a different position than it was the last time I had looked. My eyes drifted back to where Amren stood, "When was the last time you checked in on me?" My voice was tired, reading aloud was an easier way for me to read so much, I had only now realized how hoarse my voice sounded, Amren seemed to notice too as her face cringed at the sound. "Come on." She reached her hand out to me, beckoning me to take it but I shook my head and looked back down at the papers I still had infront of me, "I can't, There is a family that said they were having issue with their fabric supply, I have to find what paperwork my father has had on the supply routes so I can figure out why they haven't arrived yet." My eyes trailed back to meet her unamused expression as she kept her hand out to me, I huffed out a breath before taking her hand and we winnowed into her apartment just outside from the city.

The air that brushed against my face as we appeared sent a shiver through my spine, the freshness of the wind made my hair move along with its current. Amren went out to a small balcony she had and sat on it before looking back at me and padded the rail next to her. I walked towards her before climbing onto the stone and sat down next to her as I looked out at the city below. Velaris.


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