Chapter Three

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As the dusk of moonlight came into the room, my eyes fluttered open to find I hadn't moved an inch the night before, I could tell how tired I had been. I pushed myself up from the bed as the blanket rolled off so that I could see the room once more, I took a slow, deep breath before I crossed my legs to turn my body as I stood from the bed. I could hear footsteps leading towards me from the hall, but they opened my bedroom door, both voices sounded confused. I walked to my fathers door and slowly opened it to see Mor and Armen turn around quickly to look at me. Mor looked down at what I was wearing, knowing exactly what and who's it was. Amren looked at me with the same expression she normally does when she's trying to think of something to say. "We just came to see if you wanted help to get ready..?" Mor finally broke the silence and I smiled softly before slowly leaving the room and closing the door behind me.

However fast I had fallen asleep that night, I would never forget the feeling of my fathers arms wrapping around me, the feeling of his big Seraphim wings protecting me from the harsh cold of some nights, and I know that my father brought me to his room last night because he knew how much I needed it. And today, though Mor and Amren will not be coming with me, I will not be alone. My fathers wings shall be protecting me, just as he always had been before. Mor stepped out of the way as I walked past her to get into my bedroom and they followed my steps before closing the door behind me.

I almost felt like a doll being dressed up in clothes of whatever everyone wanted. Or at least that's how I thought this would feel, but every decision that I was to make, Amren and Mor made sure it was what I wanted. What I wanted for jewelry, what I wanted my dress to be, and what I wanted my hair to look like. The dress was something old, something I had in my closet for a long time but never wore, something I never thought I'd find an occasion for. It was long, almost mist to the touch as the colors of starlight made its existence possible. It was a 100th year old birthday present my father had made for me, and I would wear it today. Mor braided my hair into small sections and connected them in the back. Amren selecting an assortment of silver rings, bracelets, and earrings that lined my pointed ears. And before I could tell it was over, Mor placed her hands on my shoulders, "You look like..." Amren slowly turned me around as my eyes met my own in the mirror, I hardly recognized myself. Not that anything about my face had changed, but everything in this moment seemed to shift my perspective on everything. I slowly grabbed my father's crown that I had left on the dresser's top as I hesitantly raised my hands and placed the crown on top of my own head. Lowering my arms as I looked at myself, I took everything in. "A true High Lady." Amren's voice was at its softest tone I had ever heard, and the sight of my father's crown on top of my head clutched tears from my eyes.

" Amren's voice was at its softest tone I had ever heard, and the sight of my father's crown on top of my head clutched tears from my eyes

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