Chapter Twelve

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Opening my eyes the next morning felt different.. I wasn't as drained as I was the night before. Though it was the first night in four days that I wasn't holding up a glamor, making sure a sound shield was up, or just terrified of being caught or disappointing someone.. I felt lighter.. and I was happy because as soon as I said my goodbyes, I'd be stretching my powers out again.. though I would have to worry about that when I got there.. I stood up from the bed and could hear voices talking in the main room.. some familiar but one.. I didn't know. I walked towards the sound as I brushed my hair out of my face before I bought my hair over my shoulder and began to braid it. Walking through the halls this time, I realized all of the walls seemed so empty.. no art, no photographs, and no designs either.. it seemed that there wasn't any sense of a woman's touch around here. It was kind of funny, thinking about all the men in the house, no sense of style. I smiled to myself before I finished braiding my hair and I turned the corner to see Azriel standing against the window, Syrepheal sitting on one of the couches and Cassian was standing next to a man I didn't recognize. Syrepheal was the first one that looked at me. I smiled a bit and waved at him before Cassian turned around and chuckled a bit, "Nice dress, Aruna." Azriel turned his head slightly before looking back at Syrepheal who I realized hadn't looked away from me. I blushed realizing I hadn't changed but.. I also realized.. the clothes I did had folded up on the dresser.. they weren't there when I woke up. "The clothes I changed out of yesterday weren't on my dresser this morning and.. nothing in the closet were normal clothes.." Cassian chuckled a bit as the man turned and looked at me with a soft smile. "So this is the High Lady of the Moon Court?"

I looked at the man softly before walking up to him and bowing my head, "You must be Merellien

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I looked at the man softly before walking up to him and bowing my head, "You must be Merellien. It's a pleasure to meet you." I straightened my head back up to look at him to see his head was bowed and he had his hand on his chest, "You have all of my thanks.. for bringing Syrepheal back.." his tone.. he straightened and I looked at him with a soft expression, his eyes met mine and I could see the sadness in his eyes, his hand still over his heart. "I am forever in your debt, Aruna." I shook my head, putting my hands out slightly, "Merellien, you really don't have to thank me. I'm just glad we were able to find him. And I couldn't have done it without Azriel and Cassian after all." I looked at the both of them and I smiled a bit as they both nodded at me before I looked back at Merellien. "Regardless of that, we couldn't have gotten him back without your help." He bowed his head again before lowering his hand and turning to look back at Syrepheal. "Did you want me to give you the report now?" I looked at Syrepheal who was still looking at me but once I looked at him he looked at Merellien, "I believe that Snowy wanted to say her goodbyes?" Cassian and Azriel both looked at me with sad expressions, I tilted my head a bit before Cassian came over to me, "You're leaving already..?" I looked at him softly, "I do need to go back to the spring court for Lucian."

I peaked around Cassian to see Syrepheal, "I'll make sure that he knows you also made it home safe." I smiled softly at him, he returned a soft smile as I looked back at Cassian, "I do have to go back to my court.. I'm sure that my people are wondering where I am.." I looked to the side, I was happy to go home, see my friends again, return to my people but.. I was afraid too. The feeling.. I just wanted to help my people as much as I could.. do everything I could.. but.. I didn't feel good. And there was a part of me that was sad to leave too.. the new friends I had made.. though.. Maybe I will come back soon. Maybe if Syrepheal- You're always welcome to come back whenever you want, Snowy.

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