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Daniella Lockwood or Princess Lockwood as Damon Salvatore liked to call her. The youngest Lockwood and also the only daughter both Carol and Richard Lockwood had. Their most prized possession since she was the only one to show class since Tyler lived out his jock boy life.

Carol had raised Daniella to be a lady with class and also a very needy girl. Everything she desired she got mainly because that's the only attention either of the parents would give her since they were always busy with council meetings and whatever they claimed to happen in the town which Daniella saw no point of the town was boring as ever.

Daniella mainly got her attention from Tyler. As bad as everyone said the boy was when it came to Daniella he did not play at all. He didn't want the lack of parenting their parents did get to her. He cared about her too much and Daniella eventually realized it.

Eventually everything Tyler thought he was protecting her from was something Daniella was starting to notice. She noticed how her parents acted behind closed doors and how they acted around people. It was all a public act, everything was.

The parenting, the marriage, and just anything that had to do with their lifestyle was all an act they put on for the people of the town. By the time the girl realized her mother had shaped her into the proper little girl that didn't dare to act out, that was all Tyler.

Daniella even wondered how Tyler did it, how did he ever dare to act out but she just couldn't even dream of doing anything to disappoint her parents. Eventually she realized she was a girl that sought approval from parents that didn't care. An approval no child should be asked of at all.

Little by little Daniella began to be a control freak about her life. Every decision she made about her life the thought of what her parents would say about anything she did crossed her mind. She wondered if they would approve or not and that's what dictated every decision she made.

Slowly this became not only something she sought from her parents but everyone else. Her fear of disappointment or disapproval from anyone tormented her constantly.

Which wasn't healthy at all, especially when nothing could satisfy her parents. Those were the people she sought approval from the most.

When it came to everyone around them they knew how much the girl cared about being perfect. Being the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect friend, the perfect sister, and even the perfect girlfriend.

Thankfully besides her parents everyone else was very supportive of her. Tyler especially made sure that everytime he heard his parents bring her down he brought her back up. He told the girl how she would never be able to satisfy them. That's why he stopped trying and instead enjoyed his life. They didn't care either way.

Daniella was also very known in the town; she wasn't necessarily the mean girl but she was the mayor's daughter. The mayor's perfect daughter that was hardly corrupted even though Tyler was the complete opposite.

The people Daniella was closest to were the founding members of the town; they were the ones she basically grew up outside of school as well. The only one of them her age though was Jeremy which was her best friend ever since they were kids even if they were total opposites as well.

It was funny to see the girl walking around with her perfect and preppy clothing next to Jeremy who barely even used colored clothes but the girl still loved the kid to death. Nothing romantic ever but that was her best friend the person she always went to when she felt too ashamed to tell Tyler and if she was honest Tyler as much as he cared about her he was flawed and at times rarely came home.

The rest of her friends were basically Tyler's friends not the same grade in school but she was still really close with them especially Caroline since they had the same personality. As for Elena she was close to her because of Jeremy.

That just left Matt and Dylan. Matt was just another big brother but with Dylan it was different. He had always had a different love towards the girl until eventually when she was a freshman and he was a sophomore that he finally started to show how much he liked her but even before that their families had already decided that they were meant for each other no matter how weird that sounded.

Again the relationship was approved by her parents which is why she even chose to be with him. But eventually Daniella did grow feelings for him, very strong ones that were definitely not healthy. Dylan was showing her attention she never received from anyone else.

Tyler yes but again that was only when he was available but with Dylan he made himself available for her no matter the time.

That was only the honeymoon stage though eventually Dylan as any other guy grew overwhelmed. He still liked the idea of being with her but the attention the girl wanted he just simply got tired of giving it to her at times and by the time Daniella figured it out it was too late.

She had made her whole mind to revolve around him. Now everything she sought approval of not only had to go through her parents but Dylan as well and at times he could be hard to please when he got it his weird moods.

Jeremy loathed Dylan. He couldn't express how much hate he actually had towards the guy and how insecure he had made Daniella. He hated it.  Jeremy tried his best to make the girl believe that she was perfect and that caring so much only tore her apart.

Daniella tried to listen, she really did but the way Dylan would sometimes talk to her had her going right back to him. The girl eventually grew a very unhealthy pattern.

The girl was oblivious of all the supernatural things that went on in the town and even around her. Elena was dating a vampire and she didn't even know. Jeremy was involved with a vampire as well and she had no idea.

They knew who Daniella was, especially the Salvatore brothers. When Damon first arrived that's who he was aiming for until he realized how the girl was basically bathed in vervain and Stefan as usual tried his best to protect her since Elena worried about her safety around Damon a lot.

Everyone was trying to keep her away from it but eventually it would become inevitable with what was to come for the town and also her carrying a gene that could eventually be activated if the wrong things happened.

Her activating this gene could bring her to extreme danger especially when there was a mad man out there looking for her kind but what happens if this thing she grows to be scared of turns out not being that bad?

After all, the girl sought approval or any type of affection no matter who it was. Even if that person was the biggest enemy she could come across.

A/n- I'll tell you now this will not be a happy story. She is a Lockwood after all and klaus will be ruthless just like he is. The dynamic of both of them will be questioning at times since the man wronged her family too much but the whole point is that she finds a way to love someone no matter what they do to her just like her father.

Daddy issues...

I've been questioning on wether to ever make this a book since there's a bunch of klaus fics w different plot lines but I had came up w a unique storyline and I'm so excited to show it.

A chapter will be up shortly.

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