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Daniella had spent the night with Jeremy which was very usual. She would actually spend a lot of time at the Gilbert's and Jeremy was inseparable. Their bond was very strong and everyone knew they were each other's person. At times there were suspicions of them liking each other but eventually they died down.

They noticed how they treated each other as siblings more than a couple. Daniella had Dylan and she acted way more differently with him than with Jeremy. Sometimes there were suspicions of the boy liking her but there was really nothing at all, just a very good and genuine friendship.

Jeremy had been awake for a while Elena let him know what happened since he was confused once Daniella laid next to him. He thought since his attempt the night before Elena had called Daniella to help him which he didn't want but once he found out her father had died he felt bad for her.

Eventually the girl woke up at first confused why she was in Jeremy's room then it all came flooding back. The night before when she was at the hospital getting the news of her father being dead. She hadn't taken it all in last night she just cried and eventually fell asleep of how tired she was but she never took it all in.

Her dad was dead, something she never expected; this was something she never thought would happen to her. It took her back to the night Jeremy's parents died; she didn't leave his side the whole night. Again that night she could not believe it. To her that only happened in the movies and ever since that night she remembered the fear that built in her of losing her parents.

Once she sat up Jeremy noticed she had woken up causing him to get up from his chair and approached her in the bed sitting besides her. The boy didn't know what to say to her since he knew all the wrong things he could say to her. He remembered how much he hated to be asked how he was so he decided not to ask her.

"What time is it?" The girl asked, feeling the need to cry all over again.

"I think eleven. Do you need anything? I brought water" he took the cup from the nightstand and gave it to her. "Want to talk?"

Daniella took a sip from the water before responding. "Do you know what happened? Why did so many people get hurt last night?"

Jeremy frowned; he knew exactly what had happened but she didn't and at times he wanted to tell her but there was really no point. She was not involved at all. That's why he saw no need to; it would only cause her to get involved which he didn't want.

"Where is my phone...?" She looked around before Jeremy could hand it to her. She looked through it only to see a few messages from Dylan and Tyler.

"Ella it's okay to talk..."

𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭- Klaus M. Where stories live. Discover now