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It had been a few weeks since the loss of the mayor. Things were getting better at least for Daniella. She was definitely still sad about her dad but she was getting better after being everyone's top priority ever since Jeremy basically snitched on her after he caught her again wanting to do the thing that hurt her the most.

After Dylan found out about it he was much more attentive which helped her a lot until he had to leave for a weekend. She didn't mind at all but what bothered her was that he didn't even tell her where he was going and whenever he called on the phone he was very vague and always hung up too quickly which had her overthinking a lot as always.

No matter how much Dylan proved to love her she always found a way to mess with her mind. The boy never was the one to cheat at all and she knew that but she was always scared of him leaving her. She was terrified of someone being better than her and he would leave her for them.

To everyone else Daniella was a perfect person. Way too perfect and anyone could tell but to her she never thought of herself as enough.

She was currently getting ready for the historic picnic that happened every year which happened to be her favorite besides the masquerade ball that was approaching as well.

She had her hair up in a ponytail with a big bow that decorated just where her hair was at. She wore a white top with a purple skirt. For her shoes she chose her Valentino white platform heels that had been a present from her dad to her; they were her prized possession.

Even if later on she was going to regret wearing them she still loved platform heels. She was already short enough which allowed her to wear such high heels. When she got to the picnic as always she made up everything that was working to her liking before she could enjoy herself.

The girl was currently helping one of the little girls set up a lemonade stand as she struggled to get a box of lemons from one table to another which caused her to be approached by two men who with their plain glare seemed like they could kill each other.

"Let me help..." mason was about to take the box from her but he was beaten to it by Damon who took the box from her without asking. This caused him to receive a very harsh glare from the wolf.

"Where do you want these?" Damon asked and Daniella just pointed to a table across from them. Once the man walked away she turned to Mason who was still looking at Damon with the worst look.

"Oh, you hate him" Daniella scoffed. "What did he do to you?"

"Oh nothing just...it's nothing really" mason tried to play it off knowing he definitely could not tell her the real reason. Everyone had made it very clear the girl was very oblivious of all the supernatural things that went on around her.

𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭- Klaus M. Where stories live. Discover now