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Daniella had been dragged to the Salvatore's house she was randomly hanging out with Caroline when they ended up there apparently Klaus had made his move at school something she was clueless about. She hadn't noticed someone out of the ordinary and she always noticed if there was a new face she made it her job.

She sat on the couch with her hands folded and her legs as well waiting for them to stop talking and the constant lecture from Damon about being careful.

The girl really had no idea she was good at ignoring whatever they had going on. The rest of the group would update her on stuff like the fact that there was already an original walking around the town. She knew who he was since he would be with her mother most of the time but she would just ignore it and treat him like another member of the council that went to talk to her mother.

She was just warned to be careful. Then Tyler would update her on things he would leave a couple details out that she didn't mind not knowing about she just didn't want to be shut out completely.

Caroline was her major source of information since she didn't know how to keep her mouth shut around the girl. Both of them had a gossip problem when it came to each other. They would get together and suddenly felt the urge to talk about every single person that moved.

Everytime someone remembered about updating Daniella and making sure she was safe Caroline was always the one who would volunteer since she was the one that hung out with her the most.

They had built a routine and Daniella was okay with it; she didn't have the urge to get involved. After all she had grown terrified about her curse and felt terrible Tyler had to live with that but she appreciated everyone around her who was making sure she stayed safe and didn't end up with the same fate.

The girl was used to ignoring problems she didn't it with her family all the time her job was to show up look pretty and the rest were her parents problem which lately had started to change since Tyler wasn't as present and everything had been left to her mom to deal with so she stepped up and that kept her plenty busy.

Staying busy was her goal so she didn't have time to think and involve herself knowing her friends were in danger. She didn't want to try and get on board with her plans because she knew once she did there would be no way out. It would be impossible for her to do so after she got one felt the thrill.

She had to admit as she sat there listening to them she couldn't wrap her head around many things. How their world actually existed and they were facing vampires that had been alive for so many years she was honestly invested in the whole thing.

"Whose phone keeps ringing?!" Damon snapped having heard someone's phone ringing for the third time now.

"Mine I'm sorry it's Dylan. I'll go answer before he gets upset..." she sighed and got up from the couch going into another room so she wasn't heard which was no use since she knew most of them could hear her anyways.

𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭- Klaus M. Where stories live. Discover now