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Daniella had been having one of the worst weeks ever in her life. Tyler was acting weird ever since the night of the masquerade ball she was obviously worried of what had him acting that way. What happened with Sarah was scary but according to what Caroline said it wasn't his fault so she didn't know what had him acting that way.

She had tried to talk to him various times but he would just shut her out. He wasn't mean about it but he was just dismissive. In reality what he had going on scared him not only for him but for her he swore that he would keep Daniella from it forever. He did not want to go through what he was going through ever.

It would be impossible since Daniella had to be one of the nosiest people ever and the more Tyler acted the way he was the more she would want to find out what was going on with him.

She admitted he was acting very weird but today he had beat the level of weirdness. "What's in that bag?" She asked just as she stood on top of the staircase. It was the weekend she had just gotten ready to attend a founders breakfast that her mother had forced her to go to.

"Got practice" Tyler lied trying to avoid the girl once again. He was about to walk out the door when he heard her walking down the stairs quickly which he still didn't understand how she was able to with the big platform shoes she always wore.

"Lie!" She shouted until she reached downstairs. "Practice was canceled Dylan told me" she folded her arms on her chest and looked at him with a glare waiting for the truth this time.

"Ella...please I just have something to do. Just leave me alone" Tyler insisted but was stopped once again.

"I have! For weeks now actually!" She snapped but once she noticed the look on his face she softened up. "Ty, what's wrong? Like actually?! I want to help you!"

"I don't need help. I'm fine I just rather be elsewhere than whatever you're going to go do with mom ok?! So just leave me alone" this time he managed to get away from her and left the house leaving the girl there.

She was used to Tyler avoiding the family but it was usually to party or actually go to practice he never lied on where he was going. Leaving the house with a sketchy bag definitely weirded her out on what he actually was doing.

Daniella didn't have the time to actually try and figure out what he was actually going to do. She had breakfast to attend. She had promised her mom she would go with her but after she was going to do everything to get Tyler to talk. She was really worried for him.

Eventually Daniella and Carol made it to breakfast at one of the historic buildings. Dylan had promised he would join them as well since his mother was making him go as well. He didn't like showing up but at least he had Daniella there.

𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭- Klaus M. Where stories live. Discover now