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The masquerade ball. Daniella's personal holiday everyone knew it everyone knew that she had to have the best outfit. There wasn't a year where someone had beaten her even though it wasn't a competition but she treated it as one.

Every year once it was over she immediately got to planning it for the next year. That's how serious she took it and so did her dad. This year was different though her dad wasn't there to support her crazy decisions instead she was left by herself to her mom that always questioned their crazy ideas.

This time it was Tyler that tried to cool off his mom letting Daniella do whatever she liked but she didn't seem as excited as the past years. It seemed like she sought approval from her ideas which she usually got from her father but now she was on her own.

It was still morning. The girl walked around trying to make sure everything was going accordingly but knowing Daniella she always had a problem with everything.

"You can't be serious! Look at that bouquet and look at the one you're making! Two completely different things!" She complained to one of the workers that Daniella had made one of each decoration she wanted on her own to give them an example of how she exactly wanted it.

The worker just nodded and Daniella turned around to the next thing that needed fixing when she saw Tyler there again.

"I'm so surprised how they don't quit," he commented, noticing how stressed she was. she always got like that but at the end he noticed that it was worth it.

"They are lucky they didn't get fired! I mean do you see that girls bouquet?! It's like she's blind or something. I literally gave them a model and still can't get it right!" Tyler could tell the girl hadn't slept at all and she still had to get ready, which she needed to start getting dressed at this instant if she wanted to even attempt to be ready on time.

"I'm here to your rescue my love" Daniella felt someone behind her and then she saw a cup of coffee in front of her she turned around to see Dylan causing her to smile. He leaned down to kiss her causing Tyler to clear his throat wanting to remind them he was right there.

"Sorry but I really did need this" Daniella took a big sip of the coffee feeling the fueling feeling through her body. "Wait, where's your clothes? Why are you here?"

"I knew you would need an extra hand. I brought my clothes and I'll get dressed here" he replied almost immediately he could already see the panic on her face. "Which you should be doing if you start now you'll be on time"

"You both have no faith in me whatsoever but I can tell you are doing this to get rid of me. I will leave you to the workers then but if I come down here and it is all a disaster I will make both of your lives a living hell..." Daniella warned the two boys while they just listened knowing it was best not to interfere. She was high on caffeine and had no rest in her. It would be the biggest mistake.

𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭- Klaus M. Where stories live. Discover now