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Chapter 6

In the countryside of this era, there were no mobile phones and the Internet to occupy the leisure time of the vast majority of women. If someone made a fuss, the news would spread faster than a virus, and it would not take long for a large number of people to come and watch.

  Xu Duo had just made such a big splash yesterday. It was impossible to say that the whole village admired her great achievements and was grateful for her generosity.

  There is something in this world called envy and jealousy.

  When Tiezhu's mother shouted, the women who were sitting under the big tree not far away and working while cooling off immediately became energetic. They all put down their work and came over to watch the excitement, not caring about the strong sun.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

  With the audience, Tiezhu's mother hurriedly began her performance.

  "Since everyone is here, please judge for me. I brought the things here sincerely, hoping that my Tiezhu would learn some skills from Xu Duo. We are all neighbors and live so close to each other. Even if Tiezhu becomes successful, he can't forget her master, right?"

  "Yes, yes." Everyone nodded.

  "But she is too much of a Laker, isn't she? She asked me for pigs, cows and sheep as sacrifices! Where can I get them for her? Besides, her ancestors can really crawl out from the ground to eat the sacrifices, so they are all cheap for her family?"

  "That's right. It's been so many years since the Four Olds were destroyed. Why are there still people offering sacrifices? It's a lie, right?" Someone agreed.

Xu Duo looked in the direction of the voice. Oh, this is also an acquaintance. I wonder if she has completed the great feat of eating a broom.

  Seeing that Tiezhu's mother was about to describe Xu Duo as a shameless person who extorted money by relying on her kung fu, Mrs. Xu became anxious, "Tiezhu's mother, what are you talking about? Didn't Miss Duo say that chickens, ducks and geese can be used instead?"

  "Mom, it's useless for you to tell her this." Xu Duo whispered to her, blinked twice quickly, and her eyes immediately turned red.

  Aren't you going to act? Who's afraid of who?

  Who is not a natural actor?

"Auntie, you can say whatever you want to me, but you can't be so disrespectful to our ancestor!"

It was a soft and tender voice, but when it said this, it seemed to have a clanging sound. Xu Duo pursed her lips and walked out of the courtyard. Her big eyes were filled with tears of grievance, but she stubbornly refused to shed a single drop.

"My Qianding Sect has been established for more than 800 years and has been passed down for 43 generations. We resisted the Mongol invasion in the late Southern Song Dynasty and assisted Emperor Taizu in establishing the new dynasty in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty. During the Allied Forces invasion and the Anti-Japanese War, we shed blood and tears for the country. Some died and some dispersed, leaving only my master. Isn't such a sect worthy of your respect?"

  Xu Duo looked at Tiezhu's mother and said to the ground, "Auntie, you can have a peaceful life today, which is inseparable from the sacrifices of our ancestors. They used their flesh and blood to stop the invasion of foreign enemies. Don't they deserve your respect?"

  Sorry, Master, for stealing the name of our sect.

Sorry, Mr. Jin Yong, I took over all the work for Guo Jing, Yang Guo and Zhang Wuji~

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