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Chapter 81

It was a rare opportunity that Zhuang Zijian didn't come to Xiwu, and Xu Ying also took Xiaohong to class, so only Xu Duo and Zhuang Zhenyu were left at home.

  The man poured the boiling water into the thermos and plugged the cork. In a blink of an eye, the petite figure was still lying with her legs slightly curled up, leaving him with only a delicate back.

  "Duoduo." He hooked his slender fingers around the empty kettle, and couldn't help but smile in his eyes, and asked her: "Do you want to drink honey water? If you want, I'll make it for you."

  The little body didn't move at all, as if she had fallen asleep and didn't hear anything.

  "Don't you want it? Do you want to drink the milk powder?" he asked again.

  Still no one paid attention to him.

  The man smiled dotingly at this, turned around and sent the kettle back to the kitchen.

After sending her back, he knelt on one knee on the kang, leaned over and hugged Xu Duo from behind, "Let me see, what happened to our Duoduo?"

Seeing Xu Duo's little mouth pouting, her big black and white eyes stared at the pattern on the kang leather, but didn't look at him. He smiled and leaned into her ear, "Does it still hurt? How about I help you take a look?"

Xu Duo's face flushed, and she pushed him away unhappily, "Didn't you say I didn't rest well? I'm sleeping, don't disturb me."

Thanks to her good physique, she woke up this morning without sore waist or legs, and she felt refreshed.

However, the man who had just eaten her clean was so proud of himself that he smiled like a cat that had stolen some fish. During breakfast, he even served her porridge and vegetables, almost feeding her with his hands, which made Xu Ying look sideways.

  Xu Duo really couldn't help it, and secretly pinched his thigh under the table.

  As a result, she didn't know how to restrain herself at all, and explained in a serious manner that she didn't sleep well last night and didn't feel well today.

  Not feeling well today! She was fine, and it was no problem for her to go out and kill five black bears.

  When Xu Duo thought of Xu Ying not only taking Xiaohong away considerately, but also repeatedly telling her to have a good rest before leaving, she felt a little uncomfortable and didn't want to pay attention to the culprit.

  Seeing the blush on her face, the man smiled even more, "Okay, I won't disturb you, I will sleep with you."

  Forget it.

Having tasted the sweetness, this man was a little unrestrained last night. Who knows if he will fall asleep and fall asleep in a different way.

Xu Duo turned over and buried her face in the pillow, "Brother Zhenyu, let me teach you martial arts."

  Martial arts?

The man paused, "Duo Duo, you are not looking for a legitimate reason to beat me, are you?" Just like beating Zhuang Zijian, the naughty kid.

  "No." Xu Duo's voice was muffled with a smile, "I'm afraid that you don't exercise well and your waist is not good."

  "Bad waist? I think I need to prove that my waist is very good, there is absolutely no problem."

  The man stretched out his hand to tickle Xu Duo's itch, making her hide and giggle, twisted into a twist.

  The noise was going on here, and the phone rang.

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