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Chapter 96

Probably nothing is more embarrassing than being slapped in the face in public after saying something bad about someone.

If Lu Xuemei had just told the truth and said that she just saw Zhuang Zhenyu accompanying Xu Duo to the obstetrics and gynecology department, she could have said, "It turns out that she is pregnant. Fortunately, it seems that I was worried for nothing." Forced to make up for it.

Unfortunately, in order to make her words sound more credible, she just said very firmly that Xu Duo could not have children, and she also made up a lot of things, so it was difficult to change her words.

Lu Xuemei's face changed several times, and under Ji Hua's increasingly weird eyes, she made a surprised expression and tried to save face.

"Brother Zhuang is going to be a father? Is it already confirmed?"

  Ji Hua laughed in his heart, but did not expose it in front of him. He just smiled and said: "I don't know which hospital he was diagnosed in. I'll go back and ask Teacher Zhuang. I have a distant cousin who has been married for several years and has no children."

  "Let's not do it." Lu Xuemei's expression froze, and she hurriedly stopped him. "People can't cover up this kind of thing. It's so embarrassing for Brother Zhuang to ask you like this."

  I think it's not Teacher Zhuang who is embarrassed, but you, Lu Xuemei.

Ji Hua was thinking, Lu Xuemei had already changed the subject in a hurry, "Don't stand here and talk, let's go and have dinner."

But the big news that Xu Duo was pregnant kept circling in her mind, it was strange that Lu Xuemei could eat.

She only ate three or four of the small bowl of wontons, and then she left on the pretext that she had something else to do.

When Lu Xuemei went to pour out the leftovers, many people saw it, and they couldn't help but murmur when they saw that the wontons were poured out without being touched.

"Hey, isn't that Lu Xuemei from the Foreign Languages ​​College? Isn't she said to be generous and easy-going, not like someone whose family is an official? Why is she wasting food so much?"

  "Her father is a diplomat, and she will be a diplomat in the future, so of course she eats if she wants to, and throws it away if she doesn't want to."

  "That's right, she can afford to waste, what's your business?"

  Lu Xuemei is quite popular in the male circle, but not so popular in the female circle.

  Firstly, out of jealousy; secondly, girls are naturally sensitive. Except for a few who are simple-minded and easy to fool, many people can sense that she is not as easy-going and generous in her bones.

  What's more, although college is free these days, living expenses have to be paid by oneself. Many students from poor families have steamed bread and pickles for three meals a day. Even the boys were not happy with Lu Xuemei's behavior, and no one would speak up for her.

  Ji Hua listened to the excitement in the cafeteria for a while, and went back to the dormitory to talk about the incident with several roommates.

  At first, everyone was shocked to hear that Teacher Zhuang's lover could not have children. Some people could not imagine that someone as outstanding as Teacher Zhuang, who was a winner in life, would also have things that were not going well and problems that could not be solved.

  Later, they found out that Lu Xuemei was just talking nonsense, and was slapped in the face in public, and some people couldn't help laughing.

"It's really embarrassing. I feel ashamed for her just by listening to it. I don't know what her expression was at that time."

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