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Chapter 61

As the boat hit him, Zhuang Zhenyu's face changed.

  "Xiaoduo, hold onto the edge of the boat!"

  He shouted hurriedly, and stretched out his arms to hold onto the edge of the boat, sinking his center of gravity, trying to stabilize the balance of the boat.

  However, facing all this suddenness, Xu Duo was not panicked at all.

  She narrowed her eyes slightly and glanced at the oarsman on the boat. When she reached for the edge of the boat with both hands, she tapped it without leaving a trace.

  The wooden boat shook twice, but gradually stabilized, with only a few splashes of water.

  Instead, the boat that hit it was bounced back by an invisible force, floating more than half a meter on the water. The hull was hit by waves, shaking violently, scaring the girls on it and screaming.

  Ignoring the other party's devilish voice, Zhuang Zhenyu leaned over to check on Xu Duo as soon as the boat stabilized.

  "Xiaoduo, how are you? Are you scared?"

  Xu Duo shook her head, "I'm fine, Brother Zhenyu, don't worry."

  Zhuang Zhenyu saw that her eyes were clear and her delicate skin on her cheeks showed a little healthy pink, knowing that she was indeed fine, and relieved.

  Then, he turned his head and looked at the two people on the other boat unhappily, "How did you row the boat? You bumped into someone here."

  Although everyone who came to row the boat wore a life jacket before getting on the boat, the cold air in the capital in May had also subsided. But if you don't handle it well, the boat will flip over and fall into the lake, which is uncomfortable enough.

  Not to mention the shock, you will feel cold if you go back soaking wet.

  Zhuang Zhenyu seems gentle, but if you really think he is a man without temper, you are wrong.

  At this moment, he is domineering, and his handsome face with great impact makes people dare not look directly at him.

  The man with glasses was embarrassed when he asked, "Sorry, she is not very good at drawing, and she didn't control it and scared you."

  "Not very good at drawing? If you are not very good at drawing, can't you find a place where there are no people to learn slowly? Do you have to crash into other people's boats?"

  Zhuang Zhenyu spoke without any politeness, and the man's face turned red.

The girl also bowed her head and apologized repeatedly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll row the boat away and make sure it's far away from you."

Then, she started rowing in a hurry. But maybe she was too anxious or didn't use enough force, the boat spun crookedly in the same place and crashed into them again.

Zhuang Zhenyu and the man's faces changed instantly, and Xu Duo, who had been looking at each other coldly, had a cold light flashing in her eyes.

Sure enough, she guessed right, this man did it on purpose. He pretended to be a novice and crashed into their boat.

Looking at the inadvertent smugness on the corner of the other person's lips, she sneered in her heart, but she panicked and grabbed the edge of the boat again, with a trace of spiritual power in her palm ready to go.


This time, the collision was more serious than the last time just by listening to the sound.

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