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Chapter 91

"Mom, who is that third aunt? Why haven't I seen her before?"

  Although she knew that Xu Duo and her family would be back today, the family prepared a lot of food, which was enough for two more people. But for the sake of hospitality, Mrs. Xu still decided to cook another dish.

  Who knew that the younger brother Xu, who usually didn't go into the kitchen unless Xu Duo made something delicious, also followed in and asked Mrs. Xu quietly.

  "That's the third aunt of your second uncle's family. I also met her last time when your second uncle passed away and went back to his hometown with your father. It's been more than ten years. You were still young at that time, so of course you don't remember it." Mrs. Xu said.

"We haven't seen each other for more than ten years. Why are you here all of a sudden? Is there something wrong?"

"Hey, when did our Dalong become smart?" Just as Xu Xiaodi finished speaking, Xu Duo walked in with a smile, her tone full of ridicule.

"I've seen a lot of this kind of thing, and I've seen it through experience." Xu Xiaodi curled his lips, "In the past year or so, there have been many people who came to borrow money or wanted to get people into the ginseng land. I don't know what the purpose of this third aunt is."

  "Of course she wants to get people into the ginseng land. Didn't you see that she brought a girl with her?"

  Xu Duo lowered her voice and said a few words. Xu Xiaodi's eyes widened immediately, "Oh my god! There are still such people, too shameless."

  "Keep your voice down, don't let others hear it." Old Lady Xu hurriedly said to him, and asked Xu Duo with some concern: "Duo girl, what if she really asks us this?"

  "Don't worry about it, mother, I have my own ideas." Xu Duo smiled, served the dishes and went out.

As soon as she put the plate on the round table in the yard, Xu Duo looked up and saw Xu Xiulan, who looked unhappy.

The other person's face still showed disappointment and regret, and the look she gave her was complicated, as if she wanted to say something to her, but she couldn't speak.

Xu Duozhuang didn't see it, and turned back to the kitchen.

Xu Xiulan stood there, went in and called Meng Lianzhi, "Don't you want to go to the toilet? It happens that I also want to go, let's go together."

"When did I say..." Meng Lianzhi just opened her mouth, Xu Xiulan winked at her and pulled her out of the main room.

Xu Xiulan asked about the location of the toilet, and dragged Meng Lianzhi to the back of the room.

When they reached a deserted place, Meng Lianzhi immediately shook her hand in dissatisfaction, "Mom, what are you doing?"

  "Lianzhi." Xu Xiulan looked around and saw that there was no one around, and lowered her voice, "I just mentioned your matter to your uncle."

  "What did your uncle say?" Meng Lianzhi was stunned and frowned.

"He said that the ginseng land was reserved by your third cousin, and he has no say in this matter."

Hearing this, Meng Lianzhi's face turned bad, "Does he say this on purpose because he doesn't want me? I said I wouldn't come, but you forced me to come. There are jobs everywhere, why do you run so far? It's not fun to rush to find a job!"

"I haven't finished talking yet, why are you so angry?" Xu Xiulan patted her arm vigorously, "You have seen how the villagers treat your third cousin all the way? Maybe your uncle really doesn't have the final say in this matter, and you have to ask your third cousin for help."

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