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Chapter 36

No one would have thought that when going out casually, they would meet the second place in the province of Dong Province in the college entrance examination last year on the train.

  And this second place is not an ordinary second place, she and the first place in the province are a couple = =.

  People in any era are gossipy, and the less developed the information is, the fewer fresh things there are in daily life, and the more enthusiastic they are about gossiping.

  It happened that staying in the car was boring, and a group of people surrounded Xu Duo and Old Man Xu, asking questions. It was so lively that if no one asked her for autographs or photos, Xu Duo would have thought she was dressed as a star again.

Even more exaggerated was that someone brought his son who had just started primary school over and sat opposite Xu Duo, "Let your sister tell you how she studied, and you can learn from her when you go back, and get into a university in the capital to make your parents proud."

For a while, the mother and son were so crowded that there was no place to sit.

The woman took advantage of no one noticing, took her bag and hurried away, and found an empty seat to sit down again.

But her and her son's luggage were on the luggage rack on Xu Duo's side, so she didn't dare to walk too far, and just stared at them from a distance a few rows of seats away.

When everyone's enthusiasm died down, Xu Duo went to the toilet. When she came back and passed by, she happened to hear the woman squinting and saying to the people around her: "She's just bragging. Her husband is the provincial champion. Her husband is the provincial champion. Why didn't he go to school with her?"

This guy must be embarrassed, still thinking about her?

Xu Duo raised her eyebrows, stopped and looked helpless, "Auntie, I really didn't brag, really."

"Why are you here?" The woman suddenly spoke behind her back and startled her.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Xu Duo turned around and pointed behind her, and explained to her seriously again, "I'm really not exaggerating. My brother Zhenyu was indeed the top scorer in science in the province last year. It's just that he left early and is now in the capital."

  "Okay, okay, whatever you say is right, I won't argue with you." The woman waved her hands, but her eyes were full of ridicule.

  Xu Duo bit her lip, as if she had made up her mind, and said: "Auntie, why don't you get off the car with us? My brother Zhenyu will come to pick me up, and you can ask him yourself when the time comes. It just so happens that he is familiar with the capital, and he can also tell you where you want to go."

  It's quite convincing? I'm afraid that if they really get off the car with her, she will be exposed.

The woman was going to make some sarcastic remarks, but after thinking about it, she smiled and agreed, "Okay, then I'll thank you first."

Xu Duo was stunned.

The woman was more certain of her guess and insisted on getting off the train with Xu Duo. Afraid that she and Old Master Xu would run away, she stared at this place more closely, and her luggage became a by-product.

As soon as the train entered the Imperial Capital Railway Station, before it stopped, she packed her luggage and came to get it. She also asked Xu Duo and Old Master Xu: "You have so many things, do you need me and Dayong to help you carry one?"

That posture, it was not helping to carry things, it was completely robbing.

Xu Duo said those things before, mainly because she was unhappy to hear the other party talking about her and wanted to choke her.

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