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Chapter 26

Xu Duo never thought that she would hear such words from Xu Ying.

Her big almond eyes were full of disbelief, "What does it have to do with you whether you have a son or not? Have you been brainwashed by their family and think that it is really your problem that you can't have a son?"

Xu Ying lowered her head and said nothing.

"Do you really think it is your problem?" Xu Duo's soft voice could not help but rise by two decibels.

"Second sister, from the perspective of genetics, the gender of a child is determined by the chromosomes provided by the man; superstitiously speaking, whether the family has an heir depends entirely on the man's grave. What does this have to do with you?"

"Is it, is it so?" Xu Ying was a little unbelievable and tilted her head to look at Old Lady Xu.

How could Mrs. Xu know all this? She had never been to school, and the only words she could recognize were taught by Mr. Xu after they got married.

But she was not stupid, and she knew that it was best to follow Xu Duo's words at this time, so she patted Xu Ying's hand, "It's right to listen to Miss Duo. She has been reading high school textbooks recently. Xiaozhuang is also knowledgeable, and he must know more than us."

"But, but they said..."

"Sister, do you believe those outsiders or my family?" Xu Duo interrupted her.

Xu Ying was silent again.

Xu Duo was simply convinced by her, "I am your biological sister, how can I harm you?"

"No, I don't mean that." Xu Ying shook her head vigorously.

"What do you think about the divorce?"

Xu Ying held it in for a long time, "I, I don't know." If asked again, she would grab the corner of her clothes with both hands and cry silently.

This was the first time Xu Duo dealt with such a person. The anger that rushed to her head before was now all chilled by Xu Ying's reaction.

If she hadn't gotten along well with the Xu family these days and gradually integrated into this family, she would not have bothered to care about such trivial matters.

The old saying is right, if you are a fool, don't blame the dog for thinking about you. It's not that the Xu family didn't care about Xu Ying and didn't support her. She can still live like this, and she should also take part of the responsibility.

Xu Duo lowered her eyes and suddenly changed the topic, "Mom, where are Dalong and Brother Zhenyu?"

Old Lady Xu was stunned by the question, "In your room, Xiaozhuang said he wanted to watch Dalong do his homework."

The boss wanted to make room for them to talk, Xu Duo stood up, "I still have some delicious food, I'll go get some for Xiaohong."

"Then your second sister's matter..."

From the moment she entered the door until now, except for the beginning, Xu Duo has been very calm, and her words are well-reasoned and well-organized. Old Lady Xu was confused, and had long regarded her as the backbone. Seeing her leaving, she couldn't help but panic.

Xu Ying couldn't come up with an idea herself, what else could she do?

Xu Duo was somewhat helpless, "Since the second sister is back, then stay at home first, as for the rest, we'll talk about it later."

  She didn't want to care about this troublesome matter, but Old Master Xu was a hot-tempered person.

  When he came back, he saw the wound on the second daughter's face, turned around and went to the yard to pick up the hoe he had just put down, "I'm going to ask them what the old Zhu family wants to do? Is my daughter cheating on a man or is she just not living a good life? Why do they beat her?"

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