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Chapter 56

In response to Zhuang Zhenyu's immoral behavior of showing affection, the other seven who were hurt at the same time resolutely united their front and formed a strategic alliance with the three leaders who had already left their singles as the core and the four single dog guardians as the pressure.

  Don't you just have a wife? Who do you think it's okay if you don't have one yet?

  The oldest brother in the dormitory moved a stool and sat in front of Zhuang Zhenyu's bed, "I'll go first."

  He is almost 30 years old this year. Not only has he married a wife, he also has two children. The youngest son just turned one year old before going to college.

It's just that this guy is not very good at speaking. After saying "I'll go first", he stared at Zhuang Zhenyu for a long time before he uttered: "I didn't get along with your sister-in-law. I just carried water for her family for a year and chopped firewood for half a year, and her mother fell in love with me."

Oh, this is a simple person who used his hard work to dig a hole in his future mother-in-law, and then he got a wife.

One of the four Dharma protectors, the second brother who is no younger than him but still single, reached out and poked him, "Tell me the truth, did you fall in love with the girl and were afraid that she would be unhappy, so you took the initiative to carry water and chop firewood for her?"

The eldest brother didn't say anything, just laughed.

The three leaders and the four Dharma protectors, whose revolution had not yet succeeded, immediately treated him differently.

Okay, I used to think he was simple and honest, but I didn't expect that he was quite thoughtful when pursuing his wife.

However, Zhuang Zhenyu only needed to please his wife now, and the eldest brother's experience was completely useless. After asking two more questions that still had no substantive content, he and the eldest brother smiled and thanked him, and the second leader took over.

The second leader was usually very good at dealing with things, and he could get along with anyone. At first glance, he was a man who could coax his wife.

Sure enough, when it was his turn, he sat in front of Zhuang Zhenyu with a face full of eagerness to try.

"It's nothing, actually. My wife and I were introduced by someone else. We got married after only being together for less than half a year. We weren't that familiar with each other at the beginning, and her mother was worried about me, so I would go to her house every day after work and have dinner, sit and talk with her."

  Every day? So much effort?

  Swish, several eyes fell on him.

  But after hearing what he said, they realized that he was putting more effort in.

  "Later, my wife and I became familiar with each other, and her mother was also relieved that we were alone together, so I would pick her up ten minutes before she got off work every day. Especially on rainy days, I would not only give her an umbrella, but also borrow a bicycle from someone to take her home..."

  Now, everyone looked at him with admiration, especially the singles.

Oh my god, it turns out that the reason why they are still single is not because they are not good-looking enough, but because they are not good at lovemaking.

Then, they were caught off guard and were stuffed with dog food again = =.

The second leader did not even pass on his experience, but started talking about how good his wife was to him. Not only did she sew his insoles and mend his clothes, but she also cried for a long time when he got a little hurt.

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