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Chapter 16

When Xu Duo went out in the morning, the sky was still clear and it didn't look like it was going to rain.

  She followed the path up the mountain from the east, and walked into a secluded place. When there were no people around, she used her skills to sense the subtle changes in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth while hurrying along.

  Soon, she found a small valley behind a cliff.

  The valley covers only a thousand square meters, with steep rocks on all sides, but green grass, birds and flowers in the middle. Xu Duo even saw a hot spring in the northeast corner, with excellent water quality and not too high temperature.

  If she found a few stones to make a small pool, wouldn't she have a place to soak in hot springs in the future?

  Xu Duo was tempted.

In the countryside of this era, people took a bath by pouring hot water into a large basin and sitting in it. Not only was the place small and uncomfortable, but it was not clean enough in Xu Duo's opinion.

But if she wanted to take a good bath, she had to go to the county bathhouse. Xu Duo was even more resistant to taking a bath with a group of people naked.

Now it's good, with this hot spring, she can come here to take a bath anytime in the future.

Thinking of the spiritual spring in her cave when she was in the world of cultivation, Xu Duo took a sickle and walked around carefully.

After confirming that the spiritual energy here was indeed more than ten times denser than outside and safe enough, she found a large flat stone, washed it and dried it, and sat on it.

In order to be on the safe side, the sickle was placed beside her, within reach.

Everything was ready, she placed her hands on her lower Dantian, closed her eyes and began to activate the technique.

Gradually, the mountain breeze, the chirping of birds and insects faded away with the flowing spring water, and only the invisible spiritual energy of heaven and earth became more and more active, and was attracted to her around her little by little, then drilled into her body, and merged into Dantian according to the trajectory of the technique.

Compared to the difficulties of the previous two times, Xu Duo broke through to the first level of Qi training easily without any effort.

At the first level of Qi training, although she couldn't use any spells yet, the dual spiritual energy of water and wood in her body was enough for her to condense a small amount of water vapor and properly promote the growth of plants, and her physical quality was also improved to a higher level.

  Xu Duo opened her eyes with satisfaction, but saw a dazzling white light flashing across her eyes, almost blinding her.

  And the originally clear sky had gathered a large piece of dark clouds, which were gloomily pressing above her head.

  Why does this scene of lying in the trough look so familiar?

  Xu Duo grabbed the sickle and rolled over like a lazy donkey, and flipped over the big rock like a reflex.

  In that life in the cultivation world, she was chopped to a crispy outside and tender inside, and the meat was fragrant, and she had a psychological shadow.

  What the hell is this thief God doing? Is it true that even if I break through the first level of Qi training, I will also have a thunder tribulation? Or does it want me to die again?

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