Chapter 2

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Carina DeLuca was a physician from Seattle. She had arrived in this city only a few months ago. She was an obstetrician, OB-GYN to be precise. She was thirty-eight years old.

Basically, this doctor was from Catania in Sicily, an Italian island. 


Carina had studied in Italy before moving to New York to finish her medical internship. 

On completing her studies as an obstetrician-gynecologist, she was hired at the hospital where she had done her residency. 

She was an extremely beautiful and successful woman, with a string of relationships as short-lived as they were insignificant. 

In fact, her brother Andrew, whose birth name was Andrea, who lived on the other side of the country, used to joke that she was a heartbreaker. 

Her longest relationships had never exceeded three months. 

Carina had been working at New York's Presbyterian Hospital on Praveen Hospital Lane for over ten years. 

She had just turned thirty-seven and one of her colleagues, Arizona Robbins, had separated from her ex-wife a few months ago.

Arizona was the head of her department, a pediatric surgeon. She knew it wasn't a good idea to date subordinates, but this woman was her style and, more importantly, she'd been on the radar for a long time, and now that she was finally single, she wasn't going to shy away.

She'd gone to the bar opposite the hospital. Arizona was at the bar alone and the Italian had approached.

- "ciao Doctor Robbins"

-"How are you Carina?"

- "Fine and you?" 

-"I'm fine, thanks. What are you doing here alone?"

- "I had an date... But I think she stood me up." 

- "Really?!" Asked the astonished brunette.

- "yes"

- "how is that possible?" 

-"I don't know. I guess I wasn't her type after all."

- "Aren't you everyone's type?" Carina asked with a smirk. 

- "wow, wow, wow... Wait, Carina, I know you. I know your reputation, I know what you do."

- "and? ... Does it work?" 

- "Carina, you're a beautiful woman..."

- "but?"

- "but I'm a mother and I can't... Flirt with you... I'm your department head"

- "I know what's what... And it's you I'm interested in... not your daughter... Don't you think you need to decompress?... You've been a couple for a long time... You need something new in bed... And believe me, I'm the kind of person who can bring novelty into your bed... And not just once, I'm resourceful..."

Arizona's eyes had fallen on Carina's lips.

"Is that a yes?"

The blonde hadn't answered; she'd taken a tenner from her pocket and placed it on the bar before taking Arizona's hand and leading her home. 

They had dated for a few months, just over five months before they broke up and the blonde got back together with her ex, Callie. As a result, Arizona had become her longest relationship.

Carina was the only one in the hospital who had never lost a patient. She had techniques that shocked her colleagues, even years later, like telling patients to masturbate. 

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