Chapter 13

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Maya and Carina had been seeing each other and dating for nearly three weeks. The only people who knew about it were Mason, who was still living with Maya for the time being, but who had nevertheless begun to prepare his sister for the fact that he wanted to move away from Seattle, while promising her he'd be back before she gave birth. And the second person to know was Carina's best friend, who lived far from Seattle, Gabriella, to whom she had told. Gabriella, of whom the captain was always jealous. 

She was two days away from her four-month ultrasound and tonight they were going out with their friends. They'd been to a restaurant together and finished the evening at Joe's.

-"By the way, Carina, it's been a long time since you've been to a party with someone." Said Vic. 

-"Well, accompanied, or you haven't hit on anyone." Added Amelia, who had come with them this evening.

-"I'm dating someone... I'm seeing someone".

- "What??! And who is this mysterious stranger?" Maggie asked. 

-"We want to see her!" Travis added. 

- "no!"

- "what?! Why?!" Asked Maggie. 

- "This is another booty call, isn't it?" Asked Jack.

- "no!" Carina replied, frowning.

- "Then why isn't this woman here?" Dean asked. 

- "It's... it's serious, I just want to take my time and get things right before I introduce her to you."

- "wait... You really like her!" Andy said, squinting. 

- "hey, she totally do!!!" Vic added. 

Carina had turned a little red and was reaching for her glass. Talking about Maya, in front of Maya, without everyone knowing she was talking about Maya, wasn't ideal either.

-"Unless you don't want to introduce her to us because she's a bloody good lay and you're afraid someone will try to steal her from you... She's a bi, isn't she?" Amelia asked. 

- "She's bi, yes, and... I have no fear." 

- "and so it's a good one?" Amelia insisted. 

The Italian had turned a little redder, which wasn't like her, and she'd finished her entire glass. 

"Wait Carina how long have you been seeing this girl?" 

- "three weeks... More or less."

- "and you haven't slept with her?!!!" Vic asked.

- "Isn't this interrogation over?!" 

-"Carina embarrassed... I never thought I'd see this" teased Maya. 

-"We want an answer!" insisted Amelia. 

- "no!! Okay?!" Laughed the brunette nervously. 
"No, I haven't made love to her yet." 

- "oh that's so sweet, our Carina has such strong feelings for a girl, she still hasn't made love to her!" Said Andy to look for her in turn. 

- "She must be really special" said Travis, as if he understood how the brunette felt about «this stranger». 

- "she is..." 

-"... But still, Carina, almost a month!!! Is that some kind of record for you?!" Vic finally added in shock.

-"I don't think I saw that it was my birthday or my saint celebration. Can we stop? I should never have answered your questions!"

Maya silently laughed at her. 

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