Chapter 4

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Unknown: Hi, Dr. DeLuca, it's Maya Bishop. I took your advice and applied for a job at Station 19. I had a first call this morning and will be interviewed officially in the next few days. Thank you for giving me the information that they were looking for a captain in Seattle. It's not a done deal, but if it works out for me, I'd owe you a drink. 

The Italian had received the message and smiled widely. She couldn't explain the various emotions that had passed through her body. The predominant one being an emotion linked to the question: why did she apply right away and why is she telling me, without there being an official reason for telling me? 

Compared to the previous day's «like», she didn't have to let it in « read », she didn't have to pretend she hadn't seen it, she could answer the blonde. She wanted to answer the blonde. 

The whole time the Italian had been typing the message, the blonde had been in tachycardia. She wondered if she'd crossed the line by sending the Italian a message or not, if Carina was writing that she'd given her her number for business purposes or if, on the contrary, she was replying to her message as if they were friends. 

Carina: Hello Maya, I hope you've made it home safely.
If this is what you want, I hope your interview will be positive. I hope all your wishes come true. 
And by extension, I'd love that drink. 

The blonde couldn't help feeling relieved when she read the brunette's message. 
She'd wanted to apologize for the day before, for looking at her Instagram and misguidedly liking one of her photos, but she told herself she could just pretend it hadn't happened. 

She wanted to keep talking to the Italian, but she didn't know what to say. It took her several minutes to reply.

Maya: do you think, as a professional, I'm probably not the first person who want to make a baby on my own, but that it would be wiser for me to take a donor who has the same physical characteristics as me? Or different ones, for example, characteristics that I'd like to find in someone?

Carina: I don't know how objective I am. If I were to have a child, I'd want it to look like the woman I'm in love with. 

No more doubts on the blonde's side. The doctor loved women.

Maya: considering I'm having a baby on my own...

Carina: I'd choose a blond, blue-eyed donor. But if the woman I love were to carry our child, I'd want her to choose characteristics that resemble her. I know a lot of parents want their child to look like them, but not me. I'd be madly in love with someone who looked like her. 

Maya: I think I'll go for a blue-eyed strand, a bit of me and a bit of what I like. 

Carina: Very good choice, anyway, it's not as if you can decide the physical characteristics of your child, genetics will do the rest. 

She wanted to add that genetics had been very generous with her being, but that was a little too much. 

Maya: Yes, that's for sure. I'm thinking of going for someone who's intelligent, but athletic at the same time. 

Carina: This child will be perfect. 

Maya: Above all, I want him or her to be healthy and to love me as I am. 

Carina: I find the opposite hard to believe. 

The blonde wanted to ask her what she meant by that. 

Maya: Thank you, Dr DeLuca, for your advice. 
Maya: I'm sorry to have bothered you, and on your personal number too.

Carina: Don't apologize and use this number when you need to. 
Carina: And call me by my first name. I'm not really your doctor. I just filled in for Dr. Montgomery once. 

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