Chapter 3

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- "g-good day and so-so-sorry again, d-doctor DeLuca"

- "good day to you too."

Had the Carina DeLuca charm struck again? In any case, the blonde seemed to have been troubled by her beauty, or was she really lost in thought? 

Carina had gone to her office to finish her study and Maya had left for the airport to get to Los Angeles. 

As planned, the captain had to return to Seattle a few weeks later for her second appointment, around September thirty. She hadn't imagined having to come to Seattle so many times, but her desire to have a child was growing in her mind and heart. 

When she had arrived for her second check-up, she had gone straight to Addison Montgomery's waiting room.

She'd been reading an article on her phone when the office door had opened. 

-"Maya... Bishop?" She looked up in surprise. She recognized the voice, but it wasn't Addison. 

She'd risen from her chair and approached the office door. 

"Hello, I'm sorry, I know you had an appointment with Dr. Montgomery, but she had to rush off to Los Angeles two hours ago and since it looks like you're coming from LA too, she preferred that I honor that appointment, rather than postpone you. She apologizes, if she'd been able to plan ahead she would have received you there instead of here, but she figured you'd have arrived in Seattle by now."

- "uh... Y-yes no, no worries" 

- "thank you. Please, have a seat. I'm Dr. Carina DeLuca." The blonde had complied.

"You had a blood test yesterday morning, didn't you?" 

- "y-y-yes"

She didn't know why, but this stammer was not unfamiliar to her.

- "wait... We bumped into each other a few weeks ago?!" 

- "y-yes"

- "I told myself that I never forget a... Person" she had wanted to say «pretty woman» but this was neither the time nor the place for flirting. Afterwards, as she was only to take charge of Maya today, as she was Addison's patient, she knew she could always see her in a more personal way afterwards, if the mood struck her. 

Then she'd reminded herself that she was from Los Angeles and focused again. 

"Can I see your results please?"

Maya had had to have a blood test to check her genetics. It was a little more thorough than the previous one. 

Carina had read the results. She held a pen in her hand, wedged it between her teeth as she read, and the blonde took advantage of the fact that she had lowered her eyes to secretly admire her. This doctor was the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen and she knew she was making a fool of herself by stammering like this. The only thing that reassured her was that the Italian seemed to be used to people looking at her in a hypnotized way.

"Perfetto... You don't seem to be suffering from any problems. At least nothing that can be verified with a blood test...

You've already had an endovaginal ultrasound. I'm just going to give you another pelvic, and that should be enough."

- "o-okay"

Carina had her smile sideways.

- "Prego" she gestured, rising to her feet and extending her hand towards the examination table. 

- "yes, sorry!"

Maya had gone to lie down on the examination table. She had unzipped her pants and pulled down her Calvin Klein boxer shorts a little.

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