Chapter 11

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When Carina woke up the next morning, she was lying on her stomach on the mattress, close to Maya, her arm on her belly, her face turned towards her and her lips resting on her shoulder. 

She had opened her eyes and smiled. She had discreetly withdrawn her hand from the captain's lower abdomen to rest it a little higher than on her small pregnant belly. 

-"You do know I felt that, don't you?" asked Maya, who was clearly awake. The brunette could hear her smile in her sentence.

-"I didn't put my hand there on purpose... Yet there's enough space on your body that I've been dreaming of touching for weeks, for months..."

- "first... This part will only be there for another five or six months... Then you can touch me anywhere you like... And finally, I wasn't talking about your hand shift, but about your smile against my shoulder when you opened your eyes."

Carina had opened her lips wide and had come to run her teeth against the skin of Maya's shoulder, in a very delicate way. She could see goose bumps forming on the captain's skin. 

-"Do I give you the shivers?" the brunette asked, her mouth still against her shoulder, raised slightly on the arm opposite the blonde. 

-"You have no idea...
When you asked me all those embarrassing questions... And when you seemed to doubt that I had desire... I can assure you I do. I've never desired anyone like I desire you... And it's not the first time you've given me goose bumps... You're so beautiful I sometimes forget my own name".

- "it's bambina your first name" replied Carina before kissing her shoulder and then her collarbone before Maya began to turn towards her and her lips found refuge in the blonde's neck, then their faces came face to face.

"Ciao bambina, did you sleep well?"

- "I had the best night of my life, and waking up was even better... It's... I've never known a wake-up call like that."

-"your memories are skewed by the fact that you spent many mornings running to the bathroom to throw up".

Maya had pulled her face back slightly and looked at their two glued-together bodies whose arms encircled each other's bodies, then lifted her head to get the same side view.

-"No, I assure you, this is the most beautiful awakening ever!"

The Italian's lips had come to rest on her jaw and she'd kissed her the whole time the blonde's face came back to face hers so that at last their lips met again. 

They had both smiled, and the more one smiled, the more the other smiled. 

-"Can you please stop smiling, I'm trying to kiss my girlfriend".

One of Maya's hands had moved up her back, causing her in turn to shiver and she'd had to bite lightly into the blonde's lip as she lowered herself a little into the bed, making them both laugh. 

-"You waddle and giggle, while I try to kiss mine".

- "Heyyy I'm no Thanksgiving turkey"

- "yet you're very..."

-"«very...» what?"

- "you make my mouth watering..."

- "mouth-watering or..." Carina had played with her knee to get between Maya's legs and had pulled her thigh up between the blonde's to her underside. 

-"Both, I assure you" replied the captain in all seriousness as she came to kiss the Italian again, letting her hand slide from the top of her back to bury it against the back of the obstetrician's head to hold her and intensify the kiss. 

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