Chapter 7

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It was Maya's first day at Station 19, and as planned, she was on duty with the A team. She was going to work during the day to be able to meet all the teams. 

The captain had decided to bring in breakfast every day of the week for each of the teams. This week, she was going to spend every day getting to know her teams through individual interviews. 

Every evening, they had sent messages to each other, and on Friday, Team A had asked Maya to go for a drink at their favorite bar, Joe's bar. 

-"I don't know, I don't want to impose."

- "Come on Cap' please." Said Vic. 

"Besides, the doctors are coming."

- "the doctors?"

- "yes Jo, Maggie, Jackson and Carina will be there"

- "I only know Carina"

- "Jackson, he's my boyfriend, Maggie is Dean's girlfriend and Jo... She and Jack are hanging around each other... And then Carina said she was going to try to motivate her brother to come with his girlfriend"

- "well, okay, I'll come"

- "cool!" Reply Travis. 

Maya: Are you going to Joe's tomorrow? 

Carina: Are you inviting me?

Maya: Vic and Travis told me you were going. 

Carina: Are you inviting me?

Maya: Carina, tomorrow I'm going to Joe's bar with the A team, I think some of the doctors are coming too, would you like to come along? To be my plus one.

Carina: I'd love to, Maya. 

Carina: Will you pick me up? It's not like you're going to drink alcohol. 

Maya: whatever you like.

-"If only..." whispered the Italian to herself.

Tonight, the blonde had stayed a little longer at the barracks, knowing that the Italian, for her part, was on night duty. She had gotten to know the brunette and knew that the next day she would be sleeping part of the day, so she had to find something to do to keep herself occupied.

At the end of the day, she sent a message to the brunette.

Maya: Hi Carina, hope you slept well and that your shift last night went well. We have to be at the bar at eleven, but I wanted to know if you wanted to eat with me beforehand? 

Carina: ciao Bella, Tutto bene grazie. 
Carina: with pleasure, do you want to eat at home or go out?

Maya: what do you prefer?

Carina: at home. 
Carina: I'm a selfish person, I don't want to share your presence. 

The blonde had blushed. Luckily, the brunette couldn't see her. 

Maya: do you want me to bring anything?

Carina: Just you. 
Carina: come at six thirty. 

At six thirty sharp, the American was in front of the brunette's house. 
She rang the intercom and the brunette opened the door. She had left the front door open because she hadn't finished getting ready.


-"Come in! Coming!"

The captain had entered and a minute later, the blonde had looked at the brunette astonished when she saw her appear before her. 

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