Chapter 10

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Two weeks after New Year's Eve, they had their first clinic day. Of course Carina was there, and Maya had found it even harder not to think about her brother's words. 

Carina was at the clinic in her own clothes, just her doctor's blouse, and she looked even more attractive than all the other times she'd seen her in work clothes, in Pink Scrub. 

In the morning, Natacha Ross had come with a reporter and photographer and had her photo taken with Maya, Carina and Jack to immortalize this Seattle novelty in an article.
As a good captain, the blonde had also spent her day at the clinic - after all, she couldn't take part in the interventions, but she could treat «little boo-boos». 
On top of that, one of the advantages, one of the very big advantages, was that the Italian came to see her all the time. 

-"Are you sure you're all right, Bella?" Carina asked Maya as she walked behind her and put her hand on the small of her back. 

- "I promise, Carina" 

- "hey Jack, can you get me an extra box up there?" 

They'd prepared boxes where they'd put a little of each supply of what they needed, he could find suture kits, compresses, medicines, among other things.

-"Wait, I'll go," said the blonde.

-"Okay," replied Jack.

- "no, please, Jack..."

- "wh-" began the firefighter. 

-"It's out of the question, Maya." replied the Italian, her eyebrows furrowed. 

- "why?" asked the captain as she turned to face the brunette, running her hand from her lower back to her hip. 

- "I don't want you to lift something" replied Carina, looking into her eyes and moving closer to her, only inches away.

- "It's okay, Car'... It's not heavy"

The Italian had placed her second hand on the blonde's lower abdomen. 

- "it doesn't matter, you're not wearing anything." The brunette's eyes had fallen on Maya's lips. 

There was a little something that clicked inside her when she saw the blonde dressed in her firefighter's outfit, she couldn't explain it to herself.

"Your baby agrees with me."

- "Carina do you want a blue or black box?" Jack asked, positioned at the perch, bringing them out of this inappropriate moment for the place. 

The Italian didn't know how to think anymore. She didn't know what was in each of the stalls.

-"Uh... Take one of each" she said, stepping back from Maya. 

- "okay boss" 

- "and you, I don't want to see you wearing anything!" she added, pointing at the blonde with her index finger. 

- "okay boss" replied Maya a little flirtatiously.

Carina, who'd let go of her when Jack interrupted them, took the blonde's hand.

-"Promise me" she said, looking into her eyes. 

-"y-yes, I, I, I pro-promise you".

They'd ended up going their separate ways, and to celebrate the first day of the clinic and thank everyone, Carina had ordered pizzas, which meant she didn't have to leave the fire station «too early» and could spend a little more time with Maya. 

All the firefighters and the Italian had put away their supplies and equipment, and tidied up the hangar so as to be able to store the station's fire trucks again. 

The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life Where stories live. Discover now