Chapter 6

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The big day had arrived, and Maya had her third appointment in two stages.

The first appointment was in the morning, when she had another endovaginal ultrasound and a Pap smear, followed by an early afternoon appointment for insemination. The Pap smear wasn't compulsory, but as Maya wasn't up to date, and in any case Dr. Montgomery had to do the ultrasound before the insemination, she insisted on doing it at the same time.

Maya prayed for just one thing. She'd been scared when she saw Carina coming out of Addison's office.
Was her fear well-founded, would it be up to the Italian woman to give her the smear and ultrasound, she prayed hard for the answer to be no. Would she be replacing her? Was she replacing her again?

In a way, she would have liked the insemination to have been done by Carina, but not under these circumstances, and especially not the other tests.

The Italian had seen Maya in the waiting room and had come towards her, while the redhead had gone out and called another patient. The brunette could see the relief on the captain's face.

- "Hi, what's up? You look... Relieved"

- "a little..."

- "don't you trust me? I'm a very good OB-GYN, you know".

- "I'm sure you are, Carina, but..." How to tell her that this wasn't the way she'd like the Italian to discover her body.
"Let's just say... We're friends, so... It would be a bit strange if you could see between my thighs."

The doctor's eyes had fallen on the blonde's lips before she pulled herself together.

- "can you keep a secret?"

- "y-yes"

- "I've already auscultated Vic.... It wasn't pleasant for her, nor for me, but she saw that I knew how to be professional."

- "you like her?" She hadn't been able to stop her mouth from uttering the phrase before her brain stopped her.

- "no... I mean, she's a friend but... No, she's... I'm not interested in her" Carina was clearly wondering whether Maya would have let her check her out if she «didn't have a crush on her», because this reaction couldn't have meant anything else in her opinion.

She had paused to look at the blonde, raised her finger at her.

"Do you... Well ..." Then she had pointed to her own breasts as if to ask if she, on the other hand, liked her and that was why she refused to let her do her examination.

- "no, sorry, no, we, we, we're friends!" She had said this in a voice a little too high-pitched and with a red face. But at least Carina had her answer, she didn't know to what percentage, but Maya was queer. Otherwise, she'd probably have replied that she was straight.

-"Vic? I mean, uh, is Vic your type?" Asked the Italian who had failed to detect that Maya had «lied» to her, answering that she didn't fancy her.

-"Oula, no, she's my firefighter. I respect the rules. I never sleep with subordinates."

«I respect the rules», the brunette couldn't help wondering if she was saying this for herself, after all, she hadn't respected the rules by becoming friends with a patient. Was Maya asking this in reference to the time she'd asked her if she'd be considered «her captain» when the Italian came to do a shift at the barracks? Or would nothing ever happen between them, because despite their friendship, they still had that patient-doctor relationship?
Carina was beginning to lose faith in the hopes she had for them.

-"okay... Uh... I'll... I'll leave you to it. Don't worry, I'm not going to give you your exam this morning and... And your... Your insemination, although...Anyway, no, it'll be Addison, don't worry"

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