chapter 12

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It had been almost forty-five hours since they'd last seen each other, and the Italian still had a whole night's duty left, around twelve hours. Of course, they'd been texting each other all that time, when they hadn't both had work to do, but Carina was beginning to wonder how she'd been able to accept forty-eight hours of on-call duty, to make up for a colleague's leave.

She was in her office, dictating a report into a microphone when someone knocked on the door. She stopped recording.

-"Come in!"

The door opened and Maya appeared, almost in a halo of light. She had closed the door behind her. 

"Am I really tired or are you really here?"

- "probably a bit of both" 

Carina didn't know how she still stood on her legs, but she'd managed to get up from her chair, walked around the desk and approached Maya. She'd immediately slid her hand against her cheek and come over to kiss her.

-"I've never needed your lips so much..." she'd said against Maya's mouth. She had said this against the captain's mouth before her other hand slid into the blonde's hair and she came back to kiss her. 

Maya had placed the bag she was holding on the nearest surface that wouldn't let go of that kiss and her hands had come under Carina's buttocks to lift her up. She'd moved her feet forward to seat the Italian on the desk.

"Bambina... Don't carry me... You're pregnant."

- "You're going to worry..."

-"Yes, I'm worried... I'm your obstetrician... And, and, and you mustn't do it again..." said the brunette, continuing to kiss her. 

Maya was in civilian clothes, but wearing her Seattle Fire Department coat. The Sicilian was sitting on the desk with the captain between her thighs and had come to undo the zipper of her jacket with a view to removing it.

She had then caressed Maya's breast over her top and had to let go of her embrace, when the blonde's hands had come to take Carina's blouse away from her and she had then felt the captain's hands slide under her top right against her skin. 

-"hummm...Bambina..." The Italian's hands had come against the blonde's buttocks over her jeans while they were still kissing.

One of the firefighter's hands had clung firmly to the obstetrician's waist and her other hand had slid against her buttock, between the bottom of her scrub and its underside, lifting it slightly.

"Wait, wait, wait...Bambina... Okay I know I wasn't dreaming... Do you remember...Baby step... Now we're talking giant steps..." The Italian gasped as she tried to back away from the captain's embrace. 

-"okay, sorry... Excuse me..." Maya whispered against her lips.

-"No, I'm sorry, I started it... 
I missed you my love"

- "I missed you too, my love" 

Carina had come up to kiss her again before placing her hands on Maya's hips and pulling her back to get off the desk.

-"By the way... That was very sexy... But you're not allowed to carry me until after you give birth!"

- "But then, yes?" asked the blonde, smiling. 

-"Then you can even carry me while I'm carrying your baby". 

The blonde had wanted to ask her in what sense she was saying this, carrying in her arms the child she was currently carrying in her womb... Or carry her child in the sense, be pregnant with their child. It was far too early to have that thought, they'd been dating for seventy hours or so, but if Carina had said it in the sense of the second sentence, she figured she wouldn't have minded the thought. 

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