Chapter 14

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Maya had her four-month ultrasound. She was in Carina's waiting room. Today's ultrasound was used, among other things, to check for malformations and determine the baby's size. Carina was also going to measure the amount of amniotic fluid and locate the placenta, to find out if the blonde had placenta previa, a «malformation» in which the placenta partially or completely covers the internal orifice of the cervix, through which the baby emerges.

A very pretty blonde woman had come out of the office and the Italian had put her hand on her forearm.

-"It's going to be all right, I promise" she smiled, and Maya didn't like seeing her partner with this woman, so tactile and friendly.

- "thank you Carina"

The blonde's jaw had clenched, she'd never experienced jealousy, at least not in love, not like this, but as long as she'd known the Italian, it had happened constantly; before they'd been together, then since.

The brunette's eyes had turned away from her patient and met those of her girlfriend. She had been able to read in her eyes that something was wrong.

"Good day Doctor DeLuca."

- "Good day Miss Carter" replied the brunette, smiling and looking at the woman again.

The patient had left and the Italian had looked at her companion.

"Captain Bishop."

The blonde had risen she had approached Carina and entered the office without glancing at her. The doctor had closed the door and grabbed Maya's hand, which had disengaged from her embrace.


- "this is a doctor-patient appointment" replied the firefighter as she turned to go and sit down, but the obstetrician had taken her hand again and pulled her towards her.

- "bambina?!" Said the brunette, eyebrows furrowed, not sure she understood.

-"I thought pregnant women weren't your thing... Unless I started a trend?!"

Carina couldn't help smiling. Yet she'd tried to hold it back.

"Make fun of me besides!"

- "sooo... This patient was here for Dr. DeLuca, the doctor of gynecology, she's not pregnant.... And then... Do you remember that I love you?"

- "I remember she's your style"

- "no... Because for months, months bambina, there's only you in my heart, in my head... And believe it or not... But who makes me... Wet... So no, she's not my style...

And on top of that, I shouldn't tell you this but she had an appointment because she has an STD... So I assure you she's not my style..."

- "Is that true?" The captain asked, pouting slightly.

- "as true as if your son has your little face when you sulk, don't expect me to say no to him one day...
I love you, my love ... And I love that you're a little jealous..."

- "I'm not a little jealous!" she said with her Maya way face.

- "no, you were completely jealous..." Carina replied, running her teeth over her lip.

She'd brought her mouth close to the captain's and hadn't kissed her.

"I'm going into obstetrician mode my love because you've got an exam to do and I'm completely crazy about you and if I kiss you.... I literally wouldn't be able to stop myself..."

She had stepped back and invited the blonde to sit down, then moved to the other side of the desk. She had asked the captain a few questions as if she were any other patient to proceed with her examination.

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